Chapter Twenty

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Witness to Magic


I stopped dead. I knew he would come back but I did not think he would come back so soon. He was smiling evilly at me and my insides crawled. His black hair covered his forehead, his black eyes were alive with evil and his fists were clenched.

My mouth opened in surprise but I quickly shut it, I did not want the others to see me falter. Instead I smiled confidently and straightened my back. I curtsied to Aethonnyn,

“I am glad you could grace us with your presence dear brother, although I did not think you would be coming till later.” I said sarcastically and my sudden polite gesture took him by surprise.

Using that as an advantage I ran, jumped and kicked. Aethonnyn fell to the ground and I landed nicely on my feet. I clicked my fingers and my dress transformed into my usual attire. Black half skirt, breastplate, dagger boots, belt with sword, hair loosely hanging down my back but no cloak this time.

I heard gasps from behind me and I smiled again. Turning around I walked back to the throne and dropped into it, draping my skirt over the back.

“I think you should introduce yourself dearest.” I advised looking at the startled looks from the Hobbits.

He laughed as he got up and rubbed his chin.

“You have a mean kick there sis.” He complimented, I bowed my head in agreement.  

I picked at my nails bored as he decided what his next move was going to be. Rolling my eyes I sighed. How long was he going to be?  He smiled slightly again and flicked his hand, probably just a twitch. Gandalf banged his staff down on the floor and I put my head in my hands. What now?

“I am so sorry for interrupting your… conversation but I would like to know what is going on and who you both are?” he asked getting impatient.

What did he want from me? My personal history? I stood up and fell down. I landed on my hands and rolled over into a crouch. I had slipped on a puddle, Aethonnyn must have moved it when he ‘twitched’ his hand.

I heard muffled giggles from the others and frowned angrily. I did not like being laughed at.  My rage bubbled to the surface and I let it out, smoke came out of my hands as they slowly began to light. Gasps came from the crowd, Aethonnyn looked worried. Why worried? I wondered as my eyes flickered red and stayed red.

“You want to know who I am? You want to know who he is? Well let me show you!” I growled as fire ripped from my hands and shot towards Aethonnyn.

He pulled rock out of the ground at the last second and my fire hit the rock instead. I switched fire for water and created a whip out of it. The water whip gripped his ankle, he fell to the ground and I dragged him towards me. The whip released his angle and lashed back down, striking him across the face.

I let the water fall to my side and drip off the edge as I walked up to him leaving scorch marks in my wake. Fire blazed through my hair, over my back and in my hands, my eyes glittered red and I grinned coldly. I bent down and put a hand on his neck, he screamed as I picked him off the ground.

“You are growing ever so slow brother.” I muttered.

Wisps of smoke came off the hand that gripped Aethonnyn’s neck.

“What are you doing?! Can’t you see you are killing him?” Eowyn screamed clawing at my shoulders, she screeched in pain as the fire burnt her hands.

“Do not get in her way Eowyn.” Aragorn advised looking at me strangely.

“Aragorn is right, Dragon Lords are dangerous at the best of times but when they are like this… it is terrifying what they can do.” Gandalf informed.

His words seemed to calm the rage inside of me but that wasn’t what stopped me.

What do you think you are doing?!” Smaug roared in my head, I let go of Aethonnyn and everything returned to normal.

Except the terrified looks I was getting from the company. The Hobbits were hid behind Gandalf and Aragorn, who had his sword out, and the Elves were holding Eowyn back. I looked down at my hands and then at Aethonnyn. A look of pure hatred covered my whole face and I clenched my fists.

“You made me do this you filth.” I snarled, he smiled evilly up at me and clicked his fingers. Dirt colored sand swarmed around him and I stepped backwards, a second later he was gone. I let my face relax and lowered my hands.

“Leave me.” I ordered looking at the ground,

“But you hav-“Legolas started but I cut him off.

“I said leave me!” I shouted staring at them angrily, they hurried down the staircase and I could hear their footsteps slowly fade as they got further away.

I sat in the throne and pulled my legs up to my chest. Smaug came and lay down in front of me. Tears slowly formed in my eyes and one fell down my cheek.

Do not cry. It is the evil ones fault not yours my Lady, you should not fret.” He comforted me and blew a puff of warm air that ruffled my hair.

I got up and sat down next to his head. Resting my head on his neck he wrapped a leg and a wing around me.

“What are we going to do Smaug?” I asked,

I do not know, but whatever it can wait till the morning.” He replied, “And so can orc killing.” I laughed quietly and slowly fell asleep. 


Aethonnyn made Duvaineth look bad in front of the others thats basically what happened (If you hadn't guessed) So comment thoughts and advice I'm always listening to what my readers have to say! I'm getting quite excited because its nearly the end! I know you're all sad cuz its nearly the end nut there's going to be another book! dont worry!

With love Lady_Greenleaf_ xxxxxx

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