Chapter Eleven

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“You.” I exclaimed taking a step back,

“Oh sister why so withholding?” he asked sarcastically “Why don’t you tell your orc slaves exactly who I am?”

“How are you here? What are you doing in my Mountain?!” I shouted, he laughed,

“Wouldn’t you like to know?” he whispered. My enemy snapped his chains and let them fall to the ground.

The orcs seized him but he threw them off. He took two short strides and put his cold hard hands around my throat. My breaths stopped and I desperately tried to bring air into my lungs. He lifted me off the ground and my feet dangled.

“You deserted me and ruined my plans just so you could save your precious dragon.” He growled in my face.

I flicked my hand and he went flying across the floor. The orcs stepped back and made a run for it. The man picked himself up and lifted his hands shooting bits of earth and stone out of it; I unleashed a torrent of water on him with a single word. This was a battle of magic, and no one wants to get caught in the crossfire. He struggled with the force of the magic and started to falter, but I remained true, and finally he went down and I engulfed him in my water and crashed it down on the floor. I let the water die down and replaced it with freezing winds that swept up against him making him curl into a tight ball and wait for it to stop; it didn’t stop,  my anger bubbled up to the surface and I turned winds into fire and created a roaring flame which loomed over him waiting to strike. I let it hang over him as I screamed

“I left you to stop you! You were going to kill our race! And you succeeded! They’re all gone.” I let the fire disappear and my angry frown turned into a neutral expression.

“My dragon Thrausa is dead. He’s gone, and so is our race! So well done, Aethonnyn, you got what you wanted. Now why are you here?” I said whilst he struggled to get up.

“I am here to tell you there’s a storm coming dearest and there won’t be any survivors this time, the people of Middle Earth will be destroyed.”

“Is this your revenge, on me, is this your revenge on me?”

“No this isn’t my revenge. Trust me you’ll know when I’m getting my revenge on you sister.”

“Then why?”

“Because I got bored.”

“Boredom?! Please. Brother I know you better you wouldn’t just do this because you were bored! There must be another reason, a greater reason, to all this.” I shouted.

He smiled so icily that a shiver swept up my spine then he clicked his fingers and smoke engulfed him. My fingers reacted and the smoke disappeared.

“There is one thing you should know before leaving.” I informed, and this time it was my turn to smile. “I have called upon the King of Gondor and told him to come here for help. So be afraid, be afraid.”

And I let him go. He was swallowed up by smoke and I saw the look of horror and surprise on his face before he disappeared. I laughed an evil triumphant laugh and sat in the dwarf throne.

“Has it gone?” Bolg queried and I looked at him hiding behind the stairs,


“That magic user who has no thought for others?”

“Oh him? Yes.”

“Oh good.” He sighed and walked up the stairs, “Anything we can do to please you?” I looked at him frowning, then shook my head, there was nothing.

The orc walked back down the stairs and I muttered,

“He will be back though.” A thought popped into my head. “Bolg!”

So we have found out who the bad guy is. Well you did I wrote the story so I already knew! Haha. Anyway, hope you guys like the fan fic so far and I'm gonna update soon so don't go anywhere!

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