Chapter Ten

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Gladden River

“Oh you had to choose the deepest part of the river didn’t you Aragorn!” Gimli muttered,

Tauriel laughed, “Why so glum dwarf? You should appreciate the river for it gives you water to drink.” She laughed,

“Yes and also a cold.” He mumbled glumly. Aragorn sighed.

“Would you two stop arguing for once and just keep up!”

“Say that to my cold feet!”

“The horse is doing all the work Gimli.”

“The water is touching my feet and making them cold.”

“The water is touching the whole of my lower leg and I’m not complaining am I?” Aragorn argued making the dwarf shut up.

“How much farther to the other side of the river Aragorn?” Gandalf called out,

“Not much farther! We have nearly reached the other side.” Aragorn replied. The company had reached the Gladden River and was crossing it on horseback.

It was ages after they had crossed the river and they were all soaking wet,

“How much farther to Beorns house Gandalf? I really cannot stand being this wet for much longer.” Meriadoc questioned impatiently. The mist that had gathered was clearing and a house came into view,

“I think you have your answer master Hobbit.” Tauriel answered. They rode up to the house and Gandalf knocked on the door. A great tall man answered and looked down at them disgustedly,

“And what do you want?” he asked gruffly,

“To stay here for the night.” Gandalf replied,

“Why should I let you into my house?”

“We are on a very important journey to the Lonely Mountain and we wish to stay here for the night instead of having to sleep outside in the cold.”

“I do not like dwarves.”

“Oh? Well we only have the one dwarf this time master Beorn and he is the son of a dwarf you met on my previous escapade.”

“Well you did rid this land of orcs the last time you passed through my land so I will let you stay for the night.” Beorn stepped aside and the company walked into the large house.

They looked around and were shocked at how perfectly carved and … large it was.

“The ponies and horses will need seeing to.” Samwise said shyly.Beorn huffed and plodded outside.

“What a nice house.” Merry complimented as Beorn led two horses into his stable. He turned his lip up and mumbled something.

“Lay your belonging over there and rest. Put your wet things over the fire and they will dry.” He commanded.

Gimli looked offended. Gandalf was the first to do as he said then the rest followed,

“Master Gandalf! Did my father come here when he was journeying to Erebor?” Gimli queried,

“Yes master dwarf he did.” Gandalf replied settling down on the straw.

It was late in the evening and everyone was tired from a long days ride. Sleep came easy and the sounds of night crept in through the gaps in the walls and ceiling. Pippin remained awake and saw Beorn walk outside.

“Pippin, go to sleep its late and you need your sleep.” Sam advised noticing his friend was still awake.

“Sam. What do you suppose he is? Beorn I mean, he’s taller than most and he doesn’t look like any man I’ve seen.” Pippin whispered but Sam was asleep and Pippin was just speaking into the darkness. He sighed and relaxed, falling asleep, he heard a bear roaring in the distance.  

Legolas awoke to the smell of honey and fresh bread. It was a delicious smell. The front door banged open and Beorn came in.

“If I may ask where you have been?” Legolas queried,

“No.” Beorn grunted. Legolas raised an eyebrow and shrugged his shoulders.

Beorn threw some bread on the table and pointed to a bench,

“Sit. Eat.” He ordered tending to his ponies.

Legolas shrugged again and sat down. He grabbed a loaf of bread and tore a bit away. Someone grumbled in the stable and Legolas looked up to see Gimli rubbing his neck.

“Next time we get actual straw.” He complained running his hand over his ginger beard.

Legolas rolled his eyes and took a bite of bread.

“I see you’ve helped yourself.” Tauriel stated sitting down next to him. Everyone was starting to wake up now.

Gandalf was up putting his robes on and Aragorn was adjusting his belt to make it sit comfortably on his waist. The Hobbits were the only ones still asleep. Gandalf rolled his eyes and sighed. Beorn slammed a jug of milk and some mugs on the table as well as more bread and honey, he then walked out the back,

“Nice fellow isn’t he?” Gimli joked. Tauriel yawned and pretended to ignore the dwarf, Aragorn just sat down awkwardly.

They ate breakfast silently and then gathered their belongings. Beorn came back in the house

“Are you leaving now?” he said rudely. Gandalf nodded and left the house, everyone else followed giving Beorn thankful looks as they passed him.

The Hobbits didn’t even glance his way because they were too tired and had been woken up very violently by Tauriel. The horses and ponies were waiting patiently for them, the Hobbits mounted the ponies and let themselves relax, Gandalf thanked Beorn again for letting them stay in his house then he got on his own horse and they galloped away. They were heading to the forest of Mirkwood. 

Hi guys! First of all I wanted to thank @Kt_love and @shadowspinner for the wonderful advice they gave me! I have edited the chapters and I hope you guys like them! I'm open to advice if anyone else has any so please comment and vote! Enjoy the story! (I know its not a very good story but its my first so don't judge)

With love  and smiles! Lady_Greenleaf_

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