Chapter Twelve

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“Tula tira (Come Look) Tauriel.” Legolas commanded, she crept up beside him and looked to where he was pointing.

They had arrived.

“We are at the gates.” She whispered, the elf smiled and they crept back to the others.

“Well?” Gandalf asked. Tauriel nodded and they stood up.

Legolas went ahead with Tauriel trailing behind. They walked up to the gates and Legolas shouted,

“Annon Edhellen edro hi amen. (Open the gates) It is I Legolas!” and the gates creaked open and Tauriel gestured for the others to come.

They entered the Elven kingdom of Mirkwood and walked over endless bridges. Legolas pointed the company in the direction of rooms they could stay in. he and Tauriel then continued over another bridge and came to the Wooden Throne of King Thranduil.

“Manke nae lle? (Where were you?)” the King asked, Legolas and Tauriel bowed and Legolas answered,

“I know we were supposed to come straight back but a problem, more like an answer, revealed itself. The things that have been seen sneaking into our borders are a new kind of threat and someone or something is supposed to be lying in wait for us in the deserted Mountain.”

“That doesn’t explain why you did not come back so quickly. And why you have brought others with you.”

“I travel with the King of Gondor; Gandalf the White who has returned from the Undying Lands; Gimli son of Gloin and three very admirable Hobbits. We are traveling to the Lonely Mountain and are just passing through this Kingdom.”

“Well make sure the Dwarvish filth is out by morning and tell the King of Gondor that I wish to see him.” The King commanded. Legolas and the Sylven elf bowed and left the King alone.

It was late in the evening when Aragorn returned from speaking with King Thranduil. They looked towards him as he entered and he looked grim. They thought better of asking him how it went and they settled down on the beds. The moon was right above them in the sky when Tauriel got out of bed and walked out the room.

She walked down to the jail cells and sat by the one she treasured. Many people had been in these cells but there was only one she cared about. She took the smooth black stone out her satchel and held it to her heart. Tauriel gazed up at the moon and stars as she recalled the conversation she had had with a dwarf once, it was about the stars and he had told her about a falling star he had seen once, he told her a beautiful story.

A single tear rolled down her cheek and she looked down at the stone. That dwarf was dead and he had died young and reckless. Tauriel didn’t want anyone to know and she hadn’t told anyone, not even Legolas, that she had feelings for that particular dwarf. Feelings she couldn’t explain. She wiped the tear away and traced her fingers over the engravings on the stone. It was a promise. A promise that the dwarf would go back to his mother. One that was broken when he died in battle at the base of the Lonely Mountain. She got up and walked back into the room. Little did she know Gandalf had witnessed all of it.

“Get up you foul mouthed dwarf!” Tauriel shouted at Gimli.

He grumbled and pretended to ignore him. Tauriel was angry now. Everyone else was up and ready and Gimli wasn’t. She had been trying to get him up for ages now. She was so impatient now that she tipped the bed on its side and the dwarf tumbled out.

He frowned angrily and picked himself up, everyone was looking now, Tauriel ignored him and walked out the room. The dwarf pulled his clothes on and his boots then he armored himself with his weapons and smoothed his beard down.

“She-Elves.” He muttered angrily.

The company was now out of the forest Mirkwood and following the path of the river where they would then find a boat to take them to Lake Town. Then they would prepare for the long journey to the Mountain.

Aragorn and Gandalf both frowned. There was something dark in the air and they could both sense it. Something roared loudly and Gandalf looked at Aragorn alarmingly.

“Orcs.” Aragorn muttered to himself.

He looked back at the others and they were all standing ready. Legolas and Tauriel had arrows at the ready; the Hobbits had small daggers; Gandalf drew Glamdring; Gimli had his axe ready to swing and Aragorn quietly drew his own sword.

They could hear heavy footsteps and glimpses of black could be seen in the woods. A horn blew and a gruff voice spoke from in the trees.

“We do not come to harm you. We come to guide you, so if you will please lower your weapons and be less threatening.” Aragorn kept his sword up and shouted back,

“Show yourselves and we will consider doing what you suggest.” A single orc came out from the trees with his hands up.

“As I said, foolish man, we mean no harm.” The gruesome orc replied choking on the last words.

Aragorn hesitated before lowering his sword, but not sheathing it.

“What business do you have in these parts orc?” Legolas questioned, pointing his bow at the orc.

“We come to guide you to your destination.” He replied. Legolas was so shocked that he lowered his bow and completely forgot about it. It was certainly surprising. An orc? Wanting to help? It’s unheard of.

“And where, orc, are we going?” he queried sarcastically. The orc looked at him.

“The Lonely Mountain.”

Helloooooooooo its Wednesday 21st May 2014 and its quite hot over here in England. Yes I live in England, deal with it. Hope you guys enjoy and keep reading! The Mysterious Lady has 85 reads so far lets get it to 100! Keep reading, commenting and voting! 

With Love! Lady_Greenleaf_ xxxxx

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