Chapter Six

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They were on their way, Aragorn and his friends were on their way. They had set out early on the day after they were told about something that could potentially help them in winning this war. Aragorn couldn’t help but wonder what exactly where they going to find in Erebor. They were all wondering that.

Aragorn had stupidly decided to ignore the warning, about leaving the elves behind. Instead he had brought them along and left Faramir and Eomir behind. It was a very long journey to Erebor but the company had been on a journey like this before, without Tauriel and with Frodo, when they had gone to destroy the One Ring in the flames of Mount Doom. They were called the Fellowship of the Ring and their mission was a success. This time they had no idea what kind of thing was waiting.

“Why, exactly, King Aragorn did you think we would be of any help in this quest?” Peregrin Took asked the King,

“Because you proved extremely unhelpful in the last one. And besides it was Gandalf who asked me if you could come along.” He answered blaming everything on the wizard. The Hobbits looked quizzically at Gandalf who smiled mysteriously and rode up ahead to join Aragorn.

“Oh and please master Hobbits, call me Aragorn.”

They were quite a way on their journey when they stopped for the night, in a village named Dunharrow. It was a peaceful night. A few more weeks and the group would be at the gates of Erebor. They settled into their rooms and the Hobbits went to sleep early (mainly because Hobbits weren’t the stay up late talking kind of race.) Aragorn was the last to fall asleep. He could not stop thinking of Arwen, his beautiful elven wife. He was aging and she was not, he did not want to leave her alone. But what could be done? 

It was a few days later and the company came to the forest of LothLórien.

“Do we have to travel through that forest?” Gimli muttered,

“Yeah! Why can’t we travel around it?” Peregrin asked overhearing Gimli.

“Because, Master Hobbit, that would add a few more days to our journey and time we do not have. We are passing through the forest of Lórien whether you like it or not.” Gandalf answered getting impatient with the little Hobbits.

They entered the forest and looked around nervously.

“And besides we have already passed through Fangorn forest without too much trouble, why should Lórien be any different?” as soon as Aragorn said that elves with wooden bows appeared all around them and Gimli sighed,

“You had to open your big mouth didn’t you?” he growled.

The elves lead them to the Caras Galadhon, the great city of the elves of LothLórien. The horses were taken away so the company was left standing on their own not knowing what to do or where to go. Then the Lady Galadriel and Lord Celeborn appeared washed in starlight.

“Mankoi naa lle sinome?” (Why are you here?) the Lady Galadriel asked of no one in particular,

“My Lady Quel re, amin hiraetha,” (We wish to stay for the night) Aragorn spoke bowing down to the leaders of the elves,

“We are traveling to the Lonely Mountain to seek help from whoever is waiting for us.” Aragorn explained. The two majestic elves glanced at each other and then the Lord Celeborn spoke

“You may all stay here tonight, if you wish. Creoso, mellonamin.” (Welcome my friend) The company bowed and they were shown to sleeping space.

They all settled down for the night, except Gandalf who went to see the Lady Galadriel. “Mithrandil, I fear what is waiting for you in the Lonely Mountain. We do not know what kind of power they wield.” She warned,

“Uuma dela, (Do not worry) it will be alright. Aragorn knows what he is doing, and if they become our foe then Lye nuquernuva sen e dagor!” (we will defeat them in battle) Gandalf replied enthusiastically and she smiled at him.

“Your enthusiasm amuses me still.”

“Quel esta, Arwenamin.” (thank you my lady) 

“Quel kaima, Hodoer” (Sleep well wise one) Lady Galadriel said as she withdrew herself from their small encampment. Shortly afterwards Gandalf fell asleep too and the forest fell silent. 

Hello readers! On either Sunday the 25th of May or Monday 26th I'm going to Bude so I won't be able to post cuz there won't be internet/wifi (Trust me my life has ended. I can't live without wifi!) Just thought I'd tell you!

With love! Lady_Greenleaf_ 

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