Chapter Twenty Two

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This green mist surrounded the company and they all drew some sort of weapon. They were quite a way away from the Mountain but had run into… green mist. They did not know whether it was friend or foe.

The ground began to shake and gasps of panic came from the Hobbits. Something came thundering up to us and stopped a way away. Gandalf didn’t recognize this creature. And looks of confusion mixed with panic ran across everyone’s faces.

Tauriel shot an arrow at the creature but it bounced of it and the shaft snapped. She quickly notched another and aimed. The ground continued to shake as the creature slowly walked up to us.

The green mist seemed to be cheering it on. The mist then took shape. Soldiers formed out of the mist. Elves, Dwarves, Men and orcs formed and cheered for the mysterious beast. An Army of the Dead that is what Middle Earth has to face.

“Damn it where are they?” I cursed frantically scouring the land to find the company.

Smaug was also looking and his head was swinging from side to side as he searched. Where are they?! My head was spinning as I tried to locate them. I saw a circle of green mist not far from Lake Town. That must be them, it has to be them. I pointed the spot out to Smaug and he used his improved vision to make sure. He roared extremely loudly and extremely ferociously. It was them.

A ferocious roar pierced the air. The company turned to see fire racing towards them.

“Get down!” Gandalf shouted.

The red fire flew over them and hit the creature making it go up in flames. This seemed to make the creature angry. It quickened its pace and the fire grew bigger and bigger and bigger. Then it just suddenly turned into water.

The creature cried out and stumbled on a rock. It went flying into the ground and stopped just in front of the company. The shaking in the ground stopped and a huge thud came from behind them.  They turned again and saw the Dragon sitting idly on a boulder. A flash of black was seen jumping of it. They were all thinking it. Dragon Lord.

They couldn’t see me yet, but the Dead could. I flicked jets of fire at them and they disappeared. I smiled happily as I came out from behind the boulder so the company could see me. They kept their weapons out and I felt sad. They still did not trust me, how unfortunate. I raised both my arms as if to say what and one of the Hobbits smiled.

“Thank you.” he said.

I smiled again and bowed.Smaug huffed.

What?” I asked in my head, he huffed again and looked away.

My smile grew. The company made a sigh of relief and lowered their weapons.

“Do you all still think you do not need my help?” I joked and Aragorn smiled at me.

“You are very mysterious my Lady.” He said sheathing his sword. I smiled and put a hand on his shoulder.

“Yes I am.”

Okay guys! I can't believe it! This is the penultimate chapter! Jesus I cannot believe it! So keep with me for the second book! I hope you've enjoyed this book and I hope you enjoy the very last bit of this book! (that's the next chapter btw) Teehee! So keep reading/voting and Thanks!

With love Lady_Greenleaf_ XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

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