Chapter Seventeen

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The Savior

The company waited impatiently outside the great Dwarven kingdom for the gates to open. Aragorn kept looking anxiously over his shoulder at Gandalf who was slumped in his saddle. A great gust of wind forced the company onto their knees; they all looked up after it passed over and saw nothing.

The gates creaked slowly open and they got to their feet still puzzled at what the gust of wind was.

“Let’s go.” The orc leader grumbled not even waiting for them to follow them inside the Mountain.

Aragorn cautiously stepped into the Mountain and looked back at the others. The Hobbits were following him closely; Legolas and Tauriel were helping Gandalf and Gimli was looking around in awe.

“Come, the mistress is waiting.” The orc complained.

He was leading them up some stairs that went on for a long time. They reached the top and a long pathway led up to the huge Dwarf throne. They were too busy looking around that they didn’t notice there was someone sitting in the throne with a leg propped up on the arm.

An icy laugh filled the air and the company’s attention fixed on the throne. They walked along the pathway and stopped before the throne. A woman wearing a beautiful sky blue cape; a shining black breastplate that showed her curves; black breeches with a midnight black half skirt which was hung over the other side of the throne; black wrist cuffs with intricate designs etched in and black boots with small dagger sheaths and heels. This woman was beautiful.

Except she was dangerous too, at least that’s what they expected, because she had a sword belted to her waist. Had the laugh come from her? She stood up quickly and walked over to Aragorn. There was something about her; something that seemed to flicker behind her but was also a part of her. Her eyes blazed blue and Aragorn noticed they flickered red. Her hair was black as night with faint red streaks at the tips, it was hanging lazily on her shoulder.

“Who are you?” Aragorn whispered looking at her up and down.

She looked like a real warrior.

“An excellent question. One which I shall not answer… yet.” She replied, “But for now you can call me My Lady.”

I looked at them each in turn. That’s when I saw them. Two Elves helping the White Wizard. How dare they bring Elves into my kingdom? I screamed at the orcs,

“You let them bring that filth in here?!” I walked over to them so quickly the others didn’t notice.

I stared angrily at the orcs and placed a hand on my sword hilt. The orcs backed away and started running. Typical, orcs were such cowards. I screamed in frustration.

“Uh, what is the matter?” a Hobbit asked carefully. I looked at him from the corner of my eye and smiled. Oh yes they had no idea.

“The Elves master Hobbit. What did I tell you back at the White City?” I mused turning around.

Realization dawned on all the Hobbits faces but the rest of them still looked confused. I carried on

“I told you to not bring any Elves. And here they are.” They all looked at the two Elves and worry crossed their faces.

I smiled and laughed icily again.

“How dare you bring them when I specifically told, no warned, you not to. You betrayed my trust. And now you shall have to pay.” I was shouting now.

So much for keeping my anger controlled.

“H-how are w-we to b-be p-punished?” a Hobbit asked frightened. My smile grew and turned dark.

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