Sexy Dirty Love 1

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Christmas marathon 4/5

Demi fixed her marine skirt, and logged in New York biggest company's computer, ready to work. She occasionally took a few sips of her usual morning cafe, but only when her tongue burned with thirst. Otherwise, she was one hundred percent focused on her job, trying to finish all the work of the day in a few hours.

"Why so concentrated? You look like you're in a big time rush." Selena raised an eyebrow, a cup of Starbucks in her right hand, and a black purse hanging from her upper arm.

"M. Jonas wants to see me in his office," Demi dismissively responded. "He apparently has some information to convey about... about my job as an assistant." Seeing her co-worker's worried expression, she waved her hand carelessly. "Don't worry, it's nothing major. He will not dare fire me, not in a million years."

Selena nodded hesitantly, and sat down on the chair just beside. She eyed back her friend for an instant, and decided to insist. "But why does the boss always want to see you in his office? Are you sure it's nothing bad? I mean, if he's threatening your position or anything, feel free to talk to me and we could report him together-"

"Joe's not doing anything bad with me," interrupted Demi, hoping to change the subject as quick as possible. "I mean, Mr Jonas." She became flustered for a moment, but hid it well with her black hair falling luckily right in front of her face.

"So there's nothing important going on at all?" questioned the brown-haired woman again, but receiving nothing but a faint shrug. "Well, then... If you say so." She opened her work file, until her phone rang loudly. "It's Justin! Just let me see this!" Selena screeched happily and went over the messages from her beloved one, before cracking a foolish smile. "Aw, he's simply wishing me a good day at work. What a gentleman! See, he's not that bad! I knew he has changed his attitude of player."

Demi inwardly rolled her eyes, but forced a sympathetic smile to her friend. "I'm happy for you, Sel. If you think he really has changed, then you have my approbation."

"He has, he has!" Her eyes shone bright, like a teenager helplessly in love. "Talking about boys, Demi, it's been a while. How's your relationship with Neymar going?" The black-haired woman threw her colleague an obvious look, which Selena immediately decoded. "Right, he was just a quick fling. But what about a real relationship? When will you enter one?"

Demi flung a pen in her mouth, before closing all the files and emails on the public computer. "You know I'm not interested in anyone at the moment. I wanna focus on myself, my future, and my... plans."

"What plans?" Selena asked with apprehension, her eyebrows furrowing. "You're not thinking about quitting this job, are you? You're not gonna leave me here alone, will you?" Starting to panic, Selena drank her hot chocolate in one-shot, hoping it'll calm herself down a little.

"For the tenth time, don't worry! I wasn't talking about leaving my job; I love what I'm doing. Joe, hum, I meant Mr. Jonas, is fairly kind. Plus, our salary is decent. There's nothing to complain about." She rubbed her friend's back soothingly, in order to calm down her anxiety.

"Yes, yes, you're right," she rapidly agreed. "Sorry for the sudden breakdown; I'm having a wave of emotions these days, especially since Justin and I are back together. It's overwhelming..."

"I understand," Demi nodded with a smile. "You should honestly take some time off to rest. J- Mr. Jonas will totally permit you to do so. It's not good for your health to work with all the stress and the anxiety right now."

"I know," sighed Selena, defeated and sweaty. "I'm just... having a hard time, but it's okay. You don't need to stay with me, go to your meeting with Mr. Jonas. He's probably waiting for you since a while now." She shooed her hand away to the exit, convincing Demi to leave her on her own.

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