Ruin the friendship 6

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Joe's POV

Something has changed between Sophie and me since our last and first fight. It's like we're not comfortable anymore; we can't enjoy each other's presence without thinking about how she accused me of cheating. I know each relationship sometimes has fragile phases, but damn, I feel like we're in the North Pole. We're not exactly arguing nor ignoring each other, but I simply feel like the line has been crossed... the spark flew away... I'm not as happy as I used to be with her.

It's been a few weeks since I sent Demi a text hinting about a possible reborn friendship, to which she more or less refused. I don't know what to do with her anymore; it seems like she made up her mind about staying away from me. 'We'll see what the future holds'... What did she mean by that? A polite way of saying no? I can't read her like before; her messages, as well as Nick's grand theories all, confuse me.

"We received something by mail a few days ago, but I totally forgot to show you," Sophie informs me while entering the living room, her blonde hair flowing behind her squared shoulders. "It's a letter from Demi and your brother, inviting us to their new house party." She hands me the paper, but I'm too shocked to even move.

"What the hell? Since when do they randomly throw parties?" I frown, all the possibilities reeling in my head, but none of them sound good.

"It's not a random one; they wanna celebrate their union," she says in a monotone voice, but it almost sends me flying down the couch.

"What?!" I bellow in anger, almost ripping off the already opened envelope. "Union...?" I let my eyes wander down the paper, and she's right; Nick and Demi invited us to a house party in Texas to celebrate how they're finally... a couple!?

I gasp, feeling my heart twist in pain. So she is truly over me and does love Nick. I can't believe it; I don't want to! It's like the last little bit of hope I was holding on just dramatically broke...

"Aren't you happy for them? You don't seem to be," Sophie accuses, scrutinizing my expression. "As I said last time, I'm not even surprised. Everyone predicted it, especially her fans, so I don't understand your reaction at all."

I shrug my shoulders, not wanting to talk about it with her. Although Demi and I aren't together anymore, I can't help but feel hurt, betrayed and abandoned. There's honestly no reason to feel that way since I'm three times worse, but it's not something I can control.

"You're not answering," Sophie snaps, obviously tired of my behavior. "You know what, just forget it. You're impossible to talk to these last days. I'll go make supper." Frustrated, my girlfriend hastily leaves the living room, making me sigh deeply.

I glance at my phone, wondering if I should rant with someone, but there's no one I could rant to. Not a soul knows my feelings for Demi, not even my closest friends... Well, except my brother, but since he's in the equation now, I can't really do anything about it. I seize the letter again, my eyes falling on the house party's date... Tomorrow in Texas. Guess I'd have to organize my private jet right now. I call my pilot, explaining to him the whole situation, but he doesn't seem happy just like I expect. Therefore, he's a friend of mine, so he can't completely refuse my demand. I begin to prepare my suitcase, completely forgetting about Sophie, until she barges into my room. 

"What are you doing?" She squeaks while looking at my clothes spread on the bed, and scowls at me. "Do you plan on leaving Montreal without telling me or what?"

"Don't be a drama queen, Soph!" I rebuke as sharply as her, losing my patience more easily than I thought. "Why are you as pessimistic today? I'm merely packing for Demi's party! If you didn't see the date, it's tomorrow."

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