Ruin the friendship 7

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Joe's POV

I couldn't take my eyes off her.

Her beautiful hair falling down in waves, her perfect smile making me lose my breath, her stunning eyes that I can't help but get lost in. I need to make her mine again... Even if it's for one last time...

"Demi!" I hear Matthew chirp happily in the mic. Most people stop dancing, chatting, or laughing and turn their attention to the man on stage. "Demi! Come here and sing us some of your amazing songs! And Nick, come here too!" He sweeps his eyes across the floor, expecting my brother to respond.

I feel Demi tense up beside me, still holding her phone in her hand. "Uhm," she nervously murmurs when all the eyes turn towards her. She then glances at me and reluctantly walks to the stage. I feel my heart tighten by how sad and embarrassed she seems to be. 

"Where's your boyfriend?" Matthew notices while doubt slowly installs in his brown orbs.

A deadly silence falls in the house, everyone realizing Nick's lack of presence. Demi hesitates a little, trying to find her words, and grabs the mic. "He won't be here tonight," she coldly spits out, her anger clearly discernible. "He's having some issues with his uhm, car, so it'll only be me."

The invited guests just stare at her for some instants, some with their mouth agape in disbelief, some shaking their head with disapproval.

"We can still have fun!" Marissa screams, trying to save the situation for her best friend, who's obviously defenseless. "Why not sing us Sorry Not Sorry?" She yells, and some people around her immediately agree.

"Why not Ruin the friendship?" Paris Hilton suggests while everyone is unanimous with the idea.

Demi nods a little, slightly blushing, and smiles when she sees her guitarists ready to rock the R&B song. "This is for someone who has always been special to me, and always will be," she confesses to the avid listeners.

 "This is for someone who has always been special to me, and always will be," she confesses to the avid listeners

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Some of her friends whisper 'Nick', but Demi's face stays indecipherable. She looks through the audience, before letting her eyes stop on me. My stomach twists violently, while my mind reels with possibilities. What is the meaning of this?

"Put down your cigar and pick me up. Play me your guitar, that song I love."

While the visitors enjoy the flirtatious song, I stand in the middle of the dance floor, alone, not moving a finger. Only studying each one of her moves. Scrutinizing and over-analyzing it.

Her gaze never faltering from me, she delivers one of her best performances and puts her heart and soul in the truthful lyrics.

Let's ruin the friendship.

Demi's POV

I try to walk past the crowd, while everyone congratulates me for my phenomenal performances. I love singing, but I feel completely drained after at least fifteen songs. I won against the famous cold, but I can't pretend that it didn't have repercussions on my throat. 

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