Sexy Dirty Love 9

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The plane landed a few hours later in which Demi spent biting her nails, shaking from her whole body, and silently crying because of the heavy pain she felt on her heart. Joe's words haunted her; I'm so broken right now but I still love you. She felt the same way, and it internally destroyed her. She wanted to take the plane back, but she couldn't back down. She already left...

She wondered if things would've been different if she stayed. She would have been closer to him, but their relationship wasn't the same anymore anyway. They couldn't be together. Plus, she wasn't ready to face all the judgemental glares that random passengers throw at her on the streets.

It was the easiest way to flee to Texas and continue her life before following Joe to New York, and it was maybe the best for her. All she needed now was to forget him and their failed love story... If their love was even existent in the first place.

"Dianna and Eddie should be waiting for us!" The brown-haired woman suddenly squealed, gripping on Demi's arm. "If you see them in the crowd, please tell me! I forgot my glasses on the airplane." She guiltily glanced back at the plane, seeing all the doors closed. She shrugged her shoulders, trying to convince herself that it wasn't the end of the world, and continued to make her way through the wave of passengers.

"I see them!" Demi exclaimed, pointing to a couple anxiously waiting not too far away. The duo walked towards them with difficulty, and soon their eyes brightened.

"My baby!" Dianna cried out, running to hug her daughter tight. "It has been a few months since you didn't come home... Since summer, actually! You look marvelous!" She shifted her eyes to Ariana, and embraced her with nostalgia. "Oh, it's been ages! How do you manage to look more and more beautiful each time I see you?"

"Thank you," the woman responded, smiling shyly at her only aunt. "You also look gorgeous, Mrs De La Garza."

The blonde woman let out a loud laugh, and shook her head. "No need to be all formal with me, sweet Ariana. Don't forget I used to change your diaper when you were still a baby! Plus, you don't need to lie; I know I look ten years older than my actual age."

"Of course not, momma," Demi reassured, still emotional about of their reunion. Speaking truthfully, she didn't expect her parents to come. They never take time off work because of their busy schedules, but this year, maybe things will finally change for the better. "Mom, I know you work a lot, but it's to save people. I'm glad you took a day off to pick us up."

"It's the least we can do," Eddie interrupted, trying to restrain his tears of joy. He has always been a sentimental person after all; that's why people used to laugh at him during high school. "And also..." He hesitated for an instant, wondering if he should simply dodge the important subject or not.

Demi sighed, already knowing what her dad wanted to say. "You heard about my affair with... Mr. Jonas, right? You don't need to worry about anything, because they didn't fire me; I quit by my own will."

Dianna and her husband shared a puzzled look, but the woman ended up sighing and taking her daughter's hand. "We were just wondering if he mistreated or pressured you into anything... You know you can tell us, because we have a lot of contacts and can easily take him to court."

"Mom, dad, don't worry. Joe didn't pressure me into a relationship; we dated because we loved each other... or maybe, that's only what I felt." She mumbled the last part of her sentence, hoping her parents didn't catch her words. The last thing she wanted to think about was Joe... It was time to start a new chapter of her life without him.

"But it's against the rules..." Eddie objected, arching his eyebrows. "But anyway, who am I to judge? You can do whatever you want with your life, because you're a big girl now and I believe in you." He looked around, realizing that they were one of the only passengers left in the area. "C'mon, let's go home. Dianna will be pleased to show off her new cooking skills."

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