Sexy Dirty Love 6

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"I can't slide!" Demi whined, standing immobile on the ice since two hours. "I can't move my skates!" She held onto Joe even tighter, honestly scared for her life.

"That is because you don't do any effort!" Joe desperately chirped, his hands on her waist. "It's almost midnight, and we still didn't skate at all. Why did you even suggest this idea?"

"You said you'd teach me," Demi grumpily accused

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"You said you'd teach me," Demi grumpily accused. She looked around like a frightened cat, seeing nothing but dark shadows and the feeble light of the night. They were probably ones of the only skaters left chilling in the ice rink. Well, chilling is a big word... She was more like tortured!

"C'mon, don't be scared," Joe cooed soothingly, slowly skating while holding Demi by the waist to make her go along with him. The assistant whimpered, her cries echoing through the cold night. "Calm down, baby. You can do this!" The man encouraged, his patience almost at its limit.

"Okay... Okay... I can do this," Demi quickly repeated, trying to convince herself. In a second of boldness, she pulled away from her boyfriend and skated successfully for one meter. "I, I- Ahh!" She almost fell down but grabbed Joe's neck in panic, wanting to keep him close to her. She was only safe in his arms. "Thank you," she raised her head, making their eyes meet.

"Anything for you, beautiful," he kindly answered, cupping her face and pushing his lips on hers. They were enlaced like two lovers, and at this very moment, it seemed like it was all they ever wanted.

"I don't know about you, but I'm sore and hungry as hell," Demi said once they pulled away. "How about you and I go grab some coffee? I know a Starbucks not far from here..."

Joe chuckled, knowing Demi's intentions fairly well. "You want to escape from the ice?" He deducted, and burst out laughing. "You know, you aren't bad for a beginner. I used to teach skating classes part-time during weekends, when I was still in high school."

"Seriously?" The woman gasped, remiscining the good old days. "I remember witnessing you ice-skate with a bunch of girls. I thought it was just for fun." A smile in the corner of her mouth, she recalled how jealous she used to be of these girls. But now, she was the lucky one.

"Starbucks, it is," Joe agreed, pushing her out of the rink, before taking off his skates. "I'm glad you're not as tense as this morning. I was even scared that we were gonna fight."

" too," Demi sighed, but not wanting to think about it. Maybe it was her paranoia kicking in, but she felt observed, even stalked. Her intuition has never been wrong, and that's what deeply scared the shit out of her... What if they were really observed? What if they were discovered? And what if they were exposed to the whole world? She wouldn't be able to cope with it.

"Let's go," the businessman said, taking his girlfriend by the hand and leading her to the closest Starbucks. Demi instantly zoned out her constant worries, and followed Joe towards her favorite cafe.

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