Ruin the friendship 10

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Christmas marathon 3/5

Joe's POV

I knew it.

My heart aching like it never did before, I stumble through the night, sometimes sobbing, sometimes just silently crying my eyes out.

Heartbreak. Pain. Death. Was that what Demi felt when I left her? Because damn, it's probably the lowest I've felt in my entire life.

Her words replay and replay countlessly in my head, and it contains so much truth. Too much truth. She's right, she's absolutely right; I don't deserve her. My brother does, since he has been here for her since the beginning. Who was there to confort her during her darkest times? Not me. Who accompanied her throughout every step of her life,  every moment in her career? Not me. Who loved her properly, took care of her, and made her smile for the past years? Not me, again.

I only made her cry.

Why am I such a fool? Why do I always ruin every good I have? I broke my relationship with her, with Sophie, and even with my brother. What's wrong with me?

I lie down on a random bench in the nearest park, silently crying in the cold winter night. It must be very late by now, since I can almost count the stars, but I don't care. All I could feel is the stinging pain in my chest, stopping me from breathing, and stopping me from living. I lost her, didn't I...? And I lost myself at the same time...

Put down your cigar and pick me up
Play me your guitar, that song I love
Thirsty for your love, fill up my cup
I got only good intentions, so give me your attention...

The song replays and replays in my head; it's like I can almost hear the melody with my bare ears. But knowing that she didn't write it for me, it hurts. I want to play her my guitar, maybe even Gotta Find You from the Camp Rock days. And I would do anything to pick her up for a date; who cares about cigars when the woman of your dreams asks you out?

You're not brave in the moonlight,
So why don't you stay till sunrise?


I hear a very known voice calling for me, but it's probably just an hallucination. Why would she be here anyway, huh? Why would she bother searching for me if she thinks I'm a monster, huh? I don't deserve anything. She hates me and it's okay, because I hate myself too for  everything. 

"Joe, it's me."

I hear it again. That enchanting voice, where does it come from? The trees? The lake in front of the park? I don't know anymore. I'm so lost.

"Joseph, don't be like this. I know you can hear me. I love you."

I flinch when I feel someone touching me, or trying to. Maybe it's real, maybe it's her... I sit up from the bench, and there she is looking more gorgeous than ever under the faint moonlight. Is it a dream? One of those where we make up, and finally ruin the friendship -again- ?

Your body's looking good tonight
I'm thinking we should cross the line
Let's ruin the friendship...
Let's ruin the friendship...

Do all the things on our minds
What's taking us all this time?
Let's ruin the friendship...
Let's ruin the friendship...

"I mean everything I said a while ago," she whispers to me, the hint of a smile on the corner of her angelic face. But my heart can't sink any more; it reached the rock bottom. "You hurt me many times, Joe, you know it. But you always had my heart... So that's why I forgive you."

"I don't deserve your forgiveness," I choke out, tears springing out of my eyes like a waterfall. Tears I should've shed the day I left her. Tears I should've shed the day I ignored her. Tears I should've shed everyday I lived without her by my side.

"Everyone makes mistakes," Demi states, before installing herself beside me. "I do. You do. Nick does. Sophie does. Everyone." She slowly intertwine our fingers, and look at me right in the eyes. "But what's most important is forgiveness and love. And believe me, we both have it in our veins. Since day one."

She giggles a little, perhaps to herself, and stares right to the lake. I know we are both thinking the same thing; ten years ago, we were sitted exactly like this during a night for the Camp Rock 1 movie shooting. It's the night we first kissed, and first got together. Our first try.

Baby you and I got history
And we can't deny our chemistry
So why the fuck are we a mystery?
Let's just go with the connection
Give me your affection...

"I'm a good liar," Demi admits, lighthearted and carefree for the first time of the year. "But I can't lie to myself anymore." She closes her eyes, trying to recollect herself and gain some courage to finally confess. "I love you," she says, and it sounds so beautiful that I can cry of pure happiness right here, right now. "I always loved you, and always will. Nothing in life can change that, do you understand?"

She turns her gaze back at me, and I can see tears in her eyes as well. After all, we're both emotional persons, huh? Well, I wasn't until I met her.

"I'm ready to try a new relationship with you, but only if you're ready too," she says, while I beg for it to not be a dream.

I don't respond. Instead, I place my hand on her cheek, before cupping her chin, and finally pull her lips on mine. They move together for a few minutes, and I swear I could hear fireworks exploding all around the city. She's mine, and I'm hers. All over again.

You're only brave in the moonlight
So why don't you stay till sunrise?

"Will you take care of me this time?"

The vulnerability pouring out of these words, and the fragility I see in her eyes, simply makes my heart beat faster in love. In this exact second, I see her as my biggest treasure, something I would protect with my life. I will never dare hurt her, break her ever again. She's a lightweight, and she's giving her heart to me.

"Yes, I will definitely take care of you, beautiful."

She smiles brightly, and so do I. We finally have our happy ending, don't we?

Hand in hand, in the moonlight, we walk back to her hotel, knowing that it's a new chapter opening to us. And while we walk, the remnants of our song play in the background, chanting to the world that we are back home.

No I can't keep denying every minute I think of you...

Let's ruin the friendship.

Let's ruin the friendship

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Coming next: Sexy Dirty Love

Nancy xox

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