You don't do it for me anymore 1

689 16 3

What did I do to deserve to live in such a cold place? Freezing, I'm telling you, freezing. Even if the streets are cleared, I can't and don't want to battle against the terrible snow in Canada. Good news? I'm still breathing and alive. Bad news? Not for long and I'm honestly glad about it.

I hear a car honk at me, but I don't give a shit. Run over me for all I care! What is there to live anyways? I shake my head, gripping onto my thin jacket to keep me a little bit warm. Oh, seriously, what's the temperature? -40°C I bet... Or at least, it feels like it. 

"Watch where you're going, girl!" Growls the impatient driver who stuck out his head to yell at me. He then rolls up his dirty window and speeds away on the bridge. I give him the finger, but I don't think he had the time to see it. Whatever, it's not like I care anyway.

I don't even remember if my life has always been this way. But what I'm certain of is that right now, I've reached the lowest. How to get out of this abyssal hole? Hell, if I knew, I would have gotten out of it ages ago. Nevertheless, I'm still stuck in this horrible nightmare that has become the routine throughout the hard years. To be honest, the only things that keep me sane, or insane if you prefer, are drugs and alcohol. Getting high or drunk makes me forget about my messed-up life even if it's only for a few hours. It's like a blur, and I love blurs. Reality disappointed me too much in the past.

I stop walking when I arrive to the center of the bridge, and take a deep breath. I watch the smoke come out of my mouth, proving that the weather is worst than ever. Oh, I suddenly miss those long and boring summers that seem like yesterday, really. Or maybe I simply lost track of time.

"Ding ding ding," I hear my phone ring, announcing the arrival of some new voice-mail. Surprised that I  actually have a phone? Me too, but it's not like I'm filthy poor. I have some money, but I just decide to spend it on unusual things. Like drugs. But I sometimes wonder if it's the only thing I live for. Urgh, I don't know anymore. 

"Demi! I can't reach you!" I recognize Selena's voice oozing out of the electronic device. I roll my eyes, already sick of this bitch. I want to delete the message, but my fingers are so frozen that I can't seem to click on the right button. "Demi, please come back to the apartment. I didn't mean to slap you earlier; I'm just tired of watching you ruin your life over cocaine and all sorts of deadly drugs. I'm also sincerely sorry for throwing a bat at you. You're my best friend and I'm so worried right now; you don't even know. Don't be stubborn and get your ass back home, for Christ's sake-"

Oh, my phone died, I notice with irony when I see the screen go blank. Well, it's not exactly a surprise since I broke the charger a few hours ago when I tied it around my neck. This suicide attempt wasn't intentional, but looks like my high self also wanted me dead. What a great world I live in...

"Hey! What are you doing here alone? You'll die of cold, man!"

I turn my gaze towards the stranger who just parked his car on the road and is running to speak with me. What the actual hell? Who is he and why does he even give a fuck?

"Leave me alone, and get back to your three wifes and illicit kids," I snap at him, not according him one single glance. Even if I wanted to, I couldn't. The night's darkness and the dim lights don't help me much to distinguish his features, but I'm absolutely sure that it's the first time I see this man in my life.

"First off, I'm perfectly single, and secondly... I'm being serious here; you'll crumble down in the matter of minutes. I'm a doctor, I know that kind of stuff, so let me give you a ride home." The man shivers a little, but his eyes never leave me.

"Things are not always going like your plan, doctor," I scoff at him, pointing towards his vehicle. "It's nice to show some kindness to strangers on cold months like this one, but don't worry about me; I'm strong enough to battle against a stupid cold. Thank you for your concern, but please... Fuck off before I lose my temper."

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