Part 20 - Megan

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Ethan and I have been hanging out everyday for the last week. At school we never talked. It was basically when I was walking home he would catch up with me and just come. And I didn't mind it, I loved hanging out with him. Which is weird for me to admit. I hated this kid a couple weeks ago. Ethan and I have gotten really close. And he usually sneaks into my room a lot. He would come to my house after school, go home, but then would come back a few hours later. He told me that he couldn't stand being at home.

I was in English writing in my book. We were learning creative writing. Ethan walked into class 10 minutes late which was kind of early for him. He sat down next to Megan and wrapped his arm around her and kissed her on the cheek. I turn my attention back to my book. But I had to look back up and watch him fuck around with her.

"Starting tomorrow, I will be collecting in your English books so I can read how you're going with your writing. And every week one person will be sharing there part with the whole class. Look at it like a competition." Mr Smith smiled. "Now, get to work."

I wrote down the date and tried to think of something to write about. But then I heard Megan giggling. And I look up and Ethan had his lips onto her neck. Causing her to laugh and giggle with him. My snap my head back down trying hard to ignore it.

When the bell went I got out of class and went to my locker to get shit out. When I shut my locker i see Ethan. Who had that stupid smile on his face.

"Found a new band you might like." He smiled. "How about I come around later tonight and we'll listen to them?"

"Tonight?" I ask. Slightly thinking.

"Yeah." Ethan yawns.

I nod slowly. "Could do."

The hall was empty and I leant against my locker as I talked to Ethan.

"Or..." He trailed. "There is this party tonight."

I shake my head. "No way."

"C'mon, don't be so boring Seppo."

"I can't. Maybe another time."

Ethan came closer to me and smiled. "Alright, well ill see you tonight then?"


"Movies and dinner?"

"Like always." I laugh.

Ethan nodded while turning away. "See you later, loser."

I sigh as I walk away down the hall. Thinking about Ethan and Megan. He left me confused. Very confused.

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