Part 25 - Ripped Apart

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Ethan's P.O.V

I watched her walk down the hall with her hand to her head. I could hear her cries from here. And it kept replaying in my head. When I saw Megan punching her and I saw Grayson ripping up her book. It broke me. I picked up her books and the scattered pieces of paper on the ground. I held them in my hand as I went for a hunt to find the three cunts who just hurt her. I was looking all over the school. With her book in my hand. I looked everywhere and they were no where to be found. Until I thought of the place we used to go. The back field underneath the big tree.

I walked to the gym and took the back exit. I stomping to the back and I saw all three of them.

"Nice of you to join us, not really happy about my busted lip."

I grabbed Grayson by the collar and I stare him in the eyes. "Do you realise what you just did?"

Gray stared at me and didn't look away. "Do you realise what any of you just fucking did?"

Megan laughed sarcastically and rolled her eyes. "Don't know why you keep hanging out with her E. You do realise that you'll go to her house tonight, leave and then come straight back to me."

"Fuck you." I spat.

Grayson pushed me off him. "The fuck has gotten into you? You turned soft ever since that bitch came into the picture."

"She was there for me more than you ever were."

Grayson rolled his eyes. "Get fucked Ethan. We both know that's not true."

"When dad left, she was the one who took me in and made me forget about it. She was the only one who has ever fucking cared about how I feel."

"That's not true-"

"No it is." I say. "And I hate to say it and I hate to admit it. But you lost yourself when dad left."

"Fuck up."

"No you did. You turned me into this fucking monster, this guy who treats everyone like shit only because you wanted to be like you."

"I said fuck up."

"And you know what? I'm not like you. Not at all. And she changed me. She gave me a chance and saw good in me. But there's no good in you anymore Grayson, not at all."

With that I left. I left and I felt like running away. I can't go home because it's always fucking sad there. My mom is always waiting for my dad to come back from a trip he said he was coming back from months ago. My sister wasn't there. And Gray wasn't either. He wasn't himself anymore and I just realised that now. And I can't go to Kendall's. Well obviously. I held her book in my hand as I walk back home. Leaving school and I never wanted to come back. I don't want to see her and I don't want to hear her. When I got home I go to my room. I slam my door shut and I walk to my desk, getting out tape. I set all of the rip pieces together and begun to stick them back. It took hours because she had so many poems. I grab my laptop and I play music. I type Broken Home and I allow it to play. It was the song Kendall played to me the night I went over drunk. The song stabbed me when I listened to it. I related to every word. The song sung; Hey mom, hey dad when did this end? When did you lose your happiness? I'm here alone inside of this broken home. The song played through as I was getting Kendall's book stuck back together. I didn't read her poems, because I knew she wouldn't want me to. Once I was done I heard the front door slam and I knew it was Grayson. I heard him go to his room. I put the book next to my bed, trying to figure out ways to get it back to her.

Toxic. (Ethan Dolan.)Where stories live. Discover now