Part 35 - You Weren't Here

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Kendall and I had been driving around for hours. She was taking me places I had never been and I was taking her places she had never been too. It was nice. Everything felt okay in just those hours.

"I better get home." Kendall yawned.

I nod and I smile at her. "Sure thing."

I was driving Kendall back to her house and before she got out I gave her a kiss. I watched her walk toward the door and she waved one last time before going inside. I drove off down the road and parked the car in the driveway. It was 12 in morning. When I got inside I saw Grayson still sitting on the couch. I took a seat next to him.

"Is mom home yet?"

"Yeah, her and dad are in the room talking."

"Is that why you're still up?"

He nodded and yawned. "Just in case he decides to leave again, so I can go and check up on mom."

I nod back and I sit back as we watch tv. We hear our moms bedroom door open and I get up thinking I would see my mom. But instead I'm faced with my dad.

"Where's mom?"

"She's about to go to sleep." He answered.

"And you're leaving?"

He laughed sarcastically and shook his head. "I'm back for good."

"For good means a couple months until you leave again?"

My dad rolled his eyes. "Drop the attitude, Ethan."

I shake my head as I push pass him but he grips onto my jersey and turns me around.

"Listen son, I'm still your father and you will give me the respect I deserve."

"Fuck you." I spit getting out of his grip. "You weren't there for any of us, why should I respect you?"

"Because I left to give you a house, education and a fucking life."

I laugh at him. "No you left because you couldn't help any of us and the pressure was too hard for you. So you left mom alone to raise three teenagers."

"You don't know anything about why I left."

"I don't know anything about you, dad." I shake my head. "I needed you. We all did and you weren't here. I've nearly finished high school. Did you know that?"

"I did-"

"Did you know that I was failing all my classes? Did you know that Grayson and I have nearly been expelled more than twice? Did you know that your two sons are bullies?"

"I didn't."

"No of course you didn't. You didn't know anything, because, you, weren't, here."

He stared at me and scratched his chin.

"But we have both changed. And we still are changing. No thanks to you, dad."

I left him in the lounge and went to my room slamming my door. I laid on my bed and I dialled Kendall's number. She didn't answer and I knew she would have been asleep but it was worth a try. It took me hours to fall asleep. I was angry. So fucking angry. I had school in only a few hours. And I knew I was going to be in a dick mood tomorrow at school. Nothing different.

Toxic. (Ethan Dolan.)Where stories live. Discover now