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Constance P.O.V

I woke up the next morning with a hang over, and my fucking head was pounding. I'm not sure what time I came in, but I remember Bryan yelling at me while I cooked something. I got out of my bed, and I was in my night clothes, with a strong taste of puke in my mouth. I rolled out of bed and Bryan wasn't there, but I'm sure his whole family was taking up the whole fucking kitchen. I stood and looked at the long nightgown I was in and slowly walked out the room.

"Connie." Bryan said in a stern voice as I came into the kitchen with cotton mouth.

I didn't say anything as I filled a glass with water, and filled it again and one more time before I opened my mouth.

"Oh my God...what?" I said to him opening my eyes.

"We have a guest." He said pointing over to Seth.

My eye's didn't get bigger, I didn't run away, I didn't get scared I just turned my back. I didn't get a chance to get closer to the sink when more vomit came out of my mouth.

"Oh Lord." Bryan said rushing to me and I pushed him away.

"I need to go back to sleep." I said holding my head and stomach as I slowly walked away him them.

I felt fucked up, I've never been that drunk before and mixing drinks wasn't the best idea. I guess, but falling onto the bed was the best feeling, and sleep came next.

Seth P.O.V

I couldn't help but laugh at what just happened and how pissed Bryan was about the whole thing.

"I know we haven't talked in two months, but everything has changed." Bryan said annoyed.

"She can't hold her booze, shit happens." I said and he walked out going to get a mop.

"How so?" I asked looking around the place.

Bryan started talking but all I could do was look at the pictures of him and Constance together. I knew what it look like when she smiled and all of them where full of fake smiles. I hated seeing her, but after a whole year I'm still acting stupid for her. I don't know why I'm here, and I damn sure don't know why I want to see her. If anything I should want to choke her, and slap the shit out of her.

"Man, I need run down stairs and pay the rent, and get my mail. If she comes out here, tell you to go back into the room." He said and my body turned tense.

I nodded to him pulling out my phone trying to look less interested as I could as he grabbed his wallet and walked out. I should just keep my dumb ass in this seat and leave it alone, she walked out on me, she broke my fucking heart in two. I was fighting myself so hard, that I didn't notice I was already walking to her room, and I stopped at the door way and looked at her.

"You shouldn't be in here." She said muffled with her face in a pillow.

"I shouldn't do a lot of things, but that doesn't stop me or you if I remember right." I said walking into the room and she looked at me.

"I like your hair cut, and the blond hair." She said making me feel over excited that she gave me her approval.

"Well I wasn't looking for you approval, but you look nicer a little thicker like this." I replied looking around the room, and seeing the pictures around the room.

"How have you been?" I asked her as she slowly sat up.

"Great, can't you tell." She said holding her head.

"Yeah, I guess since you are staying in Chicago I'll still see you so I'm happy about that." I said and she stood.

"No, we are leaving to New York in a month." She said and I held my mouth.

"Oh I though you knew." I said sarcastically.

She stood and pushed me out the way looking for Bryan I'm sure and I watched her. She was fucking beautiful still, in fact she was better looking now. Her body was a grown ass woman's body, and her hair was long to.

"Where is Bryan?" She asked walking back to the room.

"He went down stairs to do something, its man stuff don't worry about it." I said smiling at her and shockingly she smiled at me.

"No, I'm sure paying rent is to complicated for me." She said in a stupid voice.

"No, getting the mail is the hard part, no woman should have to get the mail." I said and she laughed and just looked at me for a long moment.

"I've missed you." She said in the softest voice that made me just look into her eyes and I reached my hand out for her.

"I've missed you more." I said wanting her to take my hand, but the sound of the door opening took her attention.

She looked at my hand and took a deep breath, as she walked passed me. I looked at the pain killers on the dresser and I grabbed them walking out the room, acting like I came from the bathroom.

"Here you go." I said handing Constance the pain killer and she grabbed them and Bryan looked at me.

"I better be getting out of her, I need to start getting stuff ready, but Chicago for all of us is great." I said tapping Constance shoulder.

I walked to Bryan and he giving me dap as I headed out the door and I heard Constance voice as closed the door behind me. I smiled as I fixed my jacket up on me.

I knew two things now, one that I still love her and I know she still loves me. More importantly I still have a chance to get her back, and the smart man in told me to not try, but the fool in me told me to try.

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