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"Janet!" I said "What's wrong? Why you look so scared?"

"I have been looking for you" she said  "I messaged you, but you didn't reply. I thought I might find you at Lucy's, bu I didn't, and then I came to look for you in the forest. "

"So you came to look for me , right?" I said " Then, why your face is white?"

"While I was looking for you, I saw a wolf. I kept calm and moved backwards slowly. Suddenly, it howled and ran. I got so scared , so I ran as fast as i could to find you and we can get out of here " she said and grabbed my arm to make me stand up.
I stood up.
"Now let's get out of here. " she said

"But, to where?" I asked "I  don't wanna go back home"

Janet sighed. "Gem, " she said " Listen, I know you don't wanna move. Neither do I. But, what can we do? Don't worry. I'll stay in touch with you. We all will. We'll come and visit you."

I sighed " Ok. I'll go home. Just for you. "

"Thanks. Don't worry.  You'll soon get used to it. "
She smiled. I smiled back.

It took us two days to pick up our things. A day after we packed our things, we moved. I was horribly upset. When we arrived, we had some supper and then mom wanted to go and confirm my transformation to that new school. She wanted me to go with her.
When I asked her why, she said so I can see it and have a look at that new town.
Duh! I can't believe my mom. She already kmew I'm upset from moving to that new town and she wants me to go for a walk in it AND see the new school.
After the confirmation was done, we went back to our new home.
On the way, I saw most of the places around had a lot of news about the 'Power Rangers ' and in the newspapers and on TV. I thought they were cool, but I didn't think about them. I had other things to think about.
Tomorrow is my first day to that new school and I'm nervous and quite sad.
I also barely slept, I couldn't stop thinking about how my first day will be and how are the students there.

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