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"Oh! Brody? You're here?" I said

"Well, yeah. Why are you here? Is it because what you told us in the class." He said.

I sighed. "Yes. What about you?" I said

"I keep thinking about it everyday....." he started.
Then, he told me his story:
He didn't see his father and brother for 10 years as some villains kidnapped him.

"Whoa. They didn't call for money and threatened by killing you?" I asked, very confused.

"No, they didn't. I just escaped and after I met Sarah and Preston , we went to my old house but, we didn't find my father or brother." He said and sighed.

I didn't believe it, but I felt sorry for him.
I put my hand on his shoulder and patted twice.

"Don't worry. You'll find them, sooner or later. Just have faith and don't give up." I told him.
We smiled.

Then I felt a strange feeling about Brody. But I was afraid to tell anyone.
I decided to just keep silent and wait.

Then we heared something ringing.

"I gotta go." Brody said

"Ok." I said.

He ran away.

After this, I went home.

The next morning I went to school early.

After I entered the class, Victor said to me "Hello, Miss."
I shook my head and sighed.

After few minutes , Brody and the rest entered with some tall guy with muscular body.

"Hey Gemma!" Brody said after he sat next to me.

"Hey" I replied him smiling.

"Gemma," Hayley said "meet Levi Weston. Do you know him?"

"Well, I heared his name before." I said

"Are you a fan?" Sarah asked.

"No." I said

"Oh!" Levi said "Then, you're like that guy." He pointed at Brody.

"Brody. You're also not a fan?" I asked him.

"Nah." Brody replied me.

We chuckled.

After the school day ended, I left.
While I was walking, I heared someone saying "Watch out!"

I looked up, I saw a big thing that has circle- spiral shape (the prism) landing just above me!

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