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Gemma's outfit in the media photo  ;)

My phone rang.
It was Janet calling. I smiled.
I looked at Hayley. ''When does the lesson start?'' I asked her.

''After 15 minutes.'' She answered.

''Great.'' I said, as I turned to get out of the class.

''Where are you going?'' Brody asked.

''Uh, I just need to pick up this call.'' I replied and got out.

I walked out of the gate and sat near it on the ground. I called Janet.

' 'Hey!'' she answered the phone.

''Hey, Jan!'' I replied.

''How are you?'' she asked.

''Fine.'' I said ''What about you?".

''Fine. So, when is your first lesson?'' she said

''After 15 minutes" I said.

''Oh! And what happened? Tell me about your Morning.'' She said.

I told her everything about Victor, Hayley, Brody and the rest.

"Great," she said "Go now. You don't wanna be late o your first lesson.".

We laughed. We ended the call. I walked back to the class.

As I entered, Sarah called ''Gemma!''

''Yes!'' I said

''Come and sit with us!'' she said.

''Um, OK'' I said and went to sit with them. I sat between Sarah and Brody.

Then, our teacher came in. "Good Morning'' she said ''How are you? We have a new student with us here. Um, Gemma!''

I stood up. ''How are you?'' she said ''I'm Mrs. Finch, your teacher.'' I smiled and sat down.

Lunch time came. I was going out of class, when Preston stopped me.
''Gemma,'' he said ''come with us!''

''To where?'' I asked

''Lunch ofcourse!'' he said.
We laughed.

At lunch, something rang.

''That's not my phone.'' I said and looked at them.

''Uh, yeah. We just got something to do.'' Calvin said.

''OK.'' I said.

They went out of the gate. At the last class, they didn't come back.

At the end of the school day, I went to the forest to walk a little. While I was walking, I heared footsteps. I stopped. It came nearer and nearer. Then, it stopped. ''Gemma?" I heared a voice saying behind me. I turned and I was surprised to see Brody.

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