11 Part II

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"Guys, wait up!" Brody said in a painful tune
"Brody, you should be lying down!" I said
We ran to him. Levi and I helped him stand.

"I snuck out, I needed some fresh air." Brody said "Besides, I'll never give those monsters my power star, even if we can't find an antidote."

"Don't worry, Brody. We have an idea." Levi said

"Come on. We'll tell you on the way." I said

We told him our plan.

We walked to the woods. Brody was getting weaker and weaker.

"We're almost there. Hang on, Brody." I said

"There's a tree." Levi said

I sat beside the tree. Levi helped Brody sit. Brody rested his head and shoulders on me.

"We've come to hand over the power stars!" Hayley called to the monsters

The buzzcams came buzzing and settled on the fake power stars Hayley was holding.

Odius and Toxitea appeared.
"So nice to see you again. Heres is the antidote." Odius said and showed the antidote "Now, give me the ninja power stars."

Hayley gave her the fake power stars with her right hand and took the antidote with her left hand at the same time.
We quickly helped Brody drink the antidote. The poison got out of his body and that was a relief. The others came, I guess they found out that their power stars were gone.

"I can't believe it! So you guys did take our power stars." Sarah said

"We did, but..." Levi said

"How could you do that?" Preston asked

"It's not what you think." I said as I pulled Brody up to his feet again

"You didn't even tell me?" Calvin said to Hayley

"Everyone stop!" Brody said "You don't understand. What they did was...."

"Hold up! The power stars are melting!" Toxitea cried

"What? They're chocolate!" Odius said "They fooled us!"

The others understood what was going on.

"Still haven't fixed the melting problem." Hayley said

"Don't worry guys." I said

"Yeah, we'd never hand over the ninja power stars." Levi said and handed everyone their power stars

"We just needed these to make the chocolate copies." I explained

"Are you sure you're ok?" Aiden asked Brody

"Better than ok. Now, let the rangers handle this one, Ok?" Brody told him

"You got it!" Aiden said and left

"For your treachery, you will all be destroyed!" Odius said

"You guys never learn. You don't mess with a ninja." Brody said "It's morphin time! Power Stars!"

"Lock in! Ready! Ninja spin!" We all said in unison and morphed

"Ninja Rangers fear no danger!" Brody said

"Toxitea, take care of this mess." Odius told Toxitea and ran away

"I'll get Odius and let you guys crush this kettle." Brody said and went behind Odius

"Tea time's over, toxi-trash!" I said

"Now you brewed up some trouble!" Toxitea said

We started to fight.
Toxitea hit Levi. And came to us.

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