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I looked at her, "Hi. How are you?"

"Fine. Are you new here?" She asked.

"Yeah." I replied"

"Nice to meet you. I'm Hayley." She said

"I'm Gemma" I said

There was silence for a minuite, then Hayley said "Where is your class?"

"I don't know yet." I said

"Oh. Then, let's find out together. I hope we are in the same class." She said.

"So do I. Thanks." I said

We smiled, then walked to see where's my class.
We soon found out that we were in the same class.
"That's great!" Hayley said.
I just smiled.
We walked to the class.
As we were near the door, Hayley said  "I know you shall like my friends."

"I hope." I said .

We laughed. We went inside the class.
I stopped next to the door. I looked around the class.

"Come on." Hayley said to me
I walked toward her slowly.

"Gemma, meet my friends. Calvin, Sarah, Preston and Brody." She said

I smiled. They smiled back.
"Guys," Hayley continued "Meet Gemma"

"Hello" Calvin said

"Hi" I replied him.

I was speaking with a low voice.

"Nice to meet you." Sarah said

"Nice to meet you too." I replied

"Hey." Preston said "I saw you. You were watching the magic show."

"Yeah." I said

"Did you like it?" He asked

"Yes, it's great." I said and smiled

"I hope you'll like us." Brody said

"I'm sure I will" I said.
We smiled at each other.

I kept staring at him. He looked at me. We smiled again.
After a while, Victor walked inside the class.
I looked at Hayley and the rest, "Is Victor in the class with us?"

"Um, yeah" Calvin said

I sighed.
"I know he's annoying " Sarah said.

"What did he do to you?" Preston asked.

I told them what happened with Victor and me.
"Oh my god! That boy does crazy things." Brody said, then laughed and oh boy! How cute his laugh was!

I was a bit sad. I miss how my old friends and I spend time together before the lesson starts.

I guess Brody and the rest noticed my sadness.
They looked at each other twice, then they looked at Sarah. They nodded to her.
After they nodded, Sarah put her hand on my shoulder.
"Hey, why sadness?" She asked me

"What? No, I'm fine." I said, trying to cover my sadness.

"Gemma," she said "it's appearing on your face. Come on, tell us."

I took a deep breath and said "Ok, I'll tell you."
I told them my story, about my old school, friends and how I moved.

I was about to cry, but I held my tears back.

"Hey, don't be sad." Sarah said

"Yeah, we're your friends now" Hayley said.
We all smiled.

Then, my phone rang.

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