12 Part II

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We went to fight the giant Ripcon.
"There will be no mercy for you, rangers!" Mega-Ripcon said

"You're plan to replace my brother with a robot have failed. And now, it's time to destroy you!" Brody shouted "Zord stars!"

"Lock in, activate! Ninja spin!" We all said in unison

"Ninja Steel Zords, out of the shadows! Ninja Steel megazord, combine! Ninja Steel megazord, ready!" Brody said

"Bull Rider Megazord, ready!" Levi said

We got to the Megazord.
"Ninja Master mode, ready!" Brody said

"Let's get those gators first!" I said

"Skullgators, attack!" Ripcon said

"Looks like one skullgator each!" Brody said

Levi destroyed the skullgators. But they turned into a sword.

"Whoa! They turned into a sword!" I said

"What?" Levi exclaimed

Ripcon took that sword. "Now this is my kind of weapon!" He shouted and hit both the Megazord and the bull rider Megazord.

"We're going down!" Brody said

The two Megazords fell.

"He's too strong!" Calvin said

"This isn't working!" Hayley said

"We need more power!" I said

"And fast." Levi added

"I've got an idea! We can use the ninja fusion star!" Brody said "It combined our fighting power, maybe it can combine our Megazords! Ninja Fusion zord, combine! Ninja spin!"

Then the star combined our Megazords.
"Ninja Fusion Zord, ready!" Brody said

"Our Megazords have combined into one!" Levi exclaimed

"Good thinking Brody!" I said

"Thanks, let's try this fusion zord out!" Brody said

"A new Megazord won't help you!" Ripcon yelled

"Wait, where'd he go?" Calvin asked

"He's behind us, look out!" I said

We defended a powerful hit from Ripcon.
"No, impossible!" Ripcon yelled

"Back off!" Brody shouted and gave him a powerful hit.

"Whoa! It's so powerful!" I said

We destroyed the sword.

"No, my beautiful sword!" Ripcon yelled

"Let's say goodbye to this stupid split face!" Brody said

"You said it!" Levi said

"Ninja Master blade, activate!" Brody said

"Ninja Fusion Zord master slash, final attack!" We all said in unison and destroyed Ripcon

"Yes!" Brody said

"No, you finally got me, rat bait!" Ripcon yelled and exploded

"Show's over, Ninjas win!" Brody announced our victory

We went back to school. The talent show started. Presto Change-O was running great. Preston planned for it really well but, the only thing that wasn't planned was Victor and Monty getting out of the hat. They were afraid from the rabbit. No one knows why. But they ran away and we shrugged it off. Then, it was Brody's turn. Before he started, I phoned him.

The Silver Ninja Steel RangerWhere stories live. Discover now