8 (first fight with the silver ranger)

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The big thing (the prism) stopped and landed roughly infront of me.

It has something in it that looked like a star, it was silver. (The silver power star)

"Are you OK?" I heared someone saying.

I looked up and saw the rangers standing.

"Are you alright?" The white ranger asked, and for some reason, I felt her voice familiar. Each one of them sounded familiar to me.

"Yeah, i guess" I replied her.

I looked at that big thing circled shape.
The star in it glowed when my hand came near it.

I hesitated for a moment.
I took a deep breath, and pulled that star out.

"You pulled it." The pink ranger said

"Yeah. Is it a right thing?" I asked.

"Yes, it is. You're now one of us" The red ranger said.

Then, they demorphed.
And I was completely shocked when I saw who they were.

"What!!" I cried. "You guys are.... oh my god"

Brody was the red ranger
Sarah was the pink ranger
Calvin was the yellow ranger
Hayley was the white ranger
Preston was the blue ranger
Levi was the gold ranger

"You're now the silver ranger." Brody said

"Don't be shocked. Come on, let's take you to our base." Sarah said, and motioned me to follow them.

I didn't know what to do, so I just did what they told me.

We arrived to the school.

"Guys, but that's our school." I said, very confused.

"Yeah. We know." Calvin said

"Come on, we'll show you everything." Levi said.

We went to some secret place.

As we entered, Brody said " This is our base."

I saw a robot coming toward us. I moved two steps backwards.

"Hello. I'm Redbot." The robot said

"Hey." I answered

"Mick, come and see our new ranger." Preston called

Mick came and said, " Great."
He looked at me. "Gemma, the prism chose you to be the silver ranger, because you're strong and you have a big heart."

"But, I'm not sure if I can face a monster." I said

Brody stood in front of me. He put his hand on my shoulder and said, "You can Gem. Just have faith."

I smiled hearing my new nickname. He used the same sentence I told him in the forest.

Mick gave me a Data com, and told me everything I needed to know.

Just then, the warning siren went off.
Mick told us that the monster called Ripcon is in the city.

We ran and as we saw him, Brody shouted "Stop it Ripcon."

"Ha! The rangers, you're finally here. And what's that a new weak ranger?" Ripcon said

"You'll see who's the weak one here." I shouted and stood next to Brody.

Brody smiled at me.

"It's morphin' time!" Brody shouted.

"Power Stars! Lock in!" We all said in unison
"Ninja Spin."

" Ninja Rangers, fear no danger!" We said and got ready to fight.

We ran toward Ripcon and each one of us hit him with our swords.
He hit Preston and Calvin. Sarah and Hayley ran to them and help them stand.
Ripcon hit Levi also, which leaves Brody and me.

Brody hit Ripcon.
"Gem, get ready. We'll give him the final attack." He said
I nodded.

As Ripcon was near us, we gave him a powerful hit.

He groaned in pain and stood up.

"I'll be back!" He shouted and disappeared

"Great job!" Levi said

We all smiled.

"Come on, let's go to the base." Brody said

We all headed to the base.
When we entered, we found Mick working on such an amazing thing!

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