13 Part I

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I had a dream. I don't know if it was a dream or a nightmare. It was midnight. Brody and I were heading back home. He walked me home. As i was entering the house, i looked back to say goodbye to Brody but he was gone. I was surprised. I saw a figure running holding a human. I was sure it was Brody. I ran after it. He disappeared and I heared Brody's voice screaming. Then he appeared and was turned into a vampire. I started to run and tell Levi. Brody was running after me. He caught me. I started screaming but no one heared me. Suddenly, I was turned by Brody into a vampire.
I woke up breathing heavily. I got dressed quickly and ran to meet Brody. I told him what happened. He laughed and half hugged me.

"You and your dreams..." he said laughing

"Don't laugh. I was worried about you." I said

He kissed my forehead.

Gemma's workout outfit

The others were joining a race. Preston, Hayley and Sarah were on the green team. Brody, Calvin and Levi were on the orange team. I didn't wanna join so I wore my workout clothes and helped both of the teams get ready. Calvin went to the guy called Ace so the orange team had a member missing but someguy came and joined in Calvin's place. Then, Brody and Levi started to act weird.

"What's wrong with Brody, Gem?" Hayley asked

"I don't know. But hey, why are you asking me?" I said

"Uh, because he's your boy?" She said

"Then, why didn't Calvin joined the race and went with Ace instead?" I asked

I shrugged. They laughed.
The race started and it was a total disaster. Brody pushed Preston into some bushes and Levi pushed some guy into the lake. Brody's team won the race. Then, Hayley, Preston and Sarah turned to trophies and everyone else who joined the race and lost also turned. Brody, Levi and I didn't turned and discovered it was because of that guy who joined Brody's team. He was a monster.

"You're a monster?" Levi said

"Yes. And your friends will be trophies forever unless you can beat me!" The monster named Shoespike said

"I can beat you!" Brody said. He turned to Levi "And you too. I'm stronger and smarter."

"No way." Levi said and poked Brody "I can beat you and Shoespike anyday."

Brody poked Levi too. I couldn't do anything but watch. Shoespike said about having a three leg race. And if he wins, he gets the power stars. I knew someone must have to be with Brody and Levi but not me cause I'm not willing to race with them acting like this. I called Mick and asked him about Calvin. He told me Calvin was with Ace. Five minutes later, Mick called me and told me Calvin was on his way. Calvin arrived and found out about the trophies. I kept the trophies of Preston, Hayley and Sarah safe with me. Calvin went to Brody and Levi and they started to race. They found it hard at first because of Brody and Levi's weird acting. But soon Calvin controlled them and they beat Shoespike. The trophies turned back again humans and Brody and Levi came back to normal.
We got ready to fight Shoespike.

"It's morphin time! Power Stars!" Brody said

"Lock in! Ready! Ninja Spin!" We said and morphed

"Basherbots! Attack!" Shoespike said

We fought the Basherbots and finished them. We started to fight Shoespike. We hit him with our swords one by one. He hit us, we fell back. We stood up.
I ran and jumped into the air to kick him. But he stopped me by catching my leg and wrapped an arm around my waist and not letting me go.

"Back off!" Brody shouted at him and started to run toward Shoespike with his sword

Shoespike took my sword from my hand. Then he held my wrist and was about to cut.

"Stop it or I'll cut your little friend!" Shoespike threatened

Brody stopped. I was scared but I didn't wanna show it.

"Now give me your power stars or say goodbye to your silver ranger!" Shoespike shouted

Brody demorphed. I gasped. Brody hesitated and looked at his power star.

"No! Brody don't do it!" I shouted. I turned to Shoespike "He won't give it to you!"

"Oh really?" Shoespike said

"Yeah! We will never give you any of the power stars!" I shouted at him

"Fine!" He yelled and slashed my wrist.

"NOOOOO!" Brody shouted

I demorphed. I got dizzy and I couldn't feel anything. Shoespike threw me to the ground and I couldn't even feel the ground hit. All I could see was Hayley and Calvin kicking Shoespike. Shoespike disappeared. Hayley and Levi kneeled beside me and started shaking me. Preston, Calvin and Sarah called Mick and told him what happened. Then, Brody came and held my body to his. Then it started to get dark seeing Brody telling to call the ambulance.
Then I blacked out.

A/n: wow! 1 k reads! Thank you so much! Stay tuned! Will Gemma survive?

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