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For our business projects at school, Sarah had her project called 'Sarah's Cookie Creator'. We were in the class. Then, it was time for Sarah to show her project. I was glad it started cause Brody was tickling me in my neck without stopping. It went like this for five minutes before Sarah started;
'Brody tickles my neck'

"Stop it, Brody." I say and hold his hand to prevent him from tickling. He frees his hand and tickles again.
Sarah started, Brody stopped and gave me a quick kiss on the cheek.

"Now for Sarah's presentation." Mrs. Finch said

"Are you sick of cookies being a sometimes food? Do you want to eat them for every meal without your mom getting mad?" Sarah gave an introduction "Well, my business project is Sarah's Cookie Creator. You can put any food you want in here and a delicious healthy cookie will come out of here. Who wants to give it a try?"

Victor stood up as he wanted to give a try.

"Victor!?" Sarah said

"Ofcourse!" I mumbled to Brody. He chuckled

"Really? Delicious cookies from any food? I highly doubt that!" Victor said. He snapped his finger "Give me your lunch, Monty!"

Monty stood up with his lunch but hesitated. Victor gave him a look and Monty came to him with his lunch.
I hate how Victor acts. I was a bit mad and I bit my bottom lip which has red lip gloss.
Victor took out Monty's lunch and put it into the machine.

"Sardines." Victor said "Broccoli. A liver sandwich."

"Disgusting!" I mumbled

Brody made a noise of agreement and another of disgust.

"Let's see your contraption make that delicious." Victor said

"Okay." Sarah said and turned on her machine
A cookie came out of the machine. I smiled. Sarah took it and handed it to Victor. Victor handed it to Monty. Monty tasted the cookie.

"Hey, that's kinda good." Monty said

Victor took it from him and tasted it.
"It's really good." Victor said

Sarah looked at me and made a 'yes!' move and so did I.

"Sarah, I think that the public will really love your business idea." Mrs. Finch said

"Thank you!" Sarah said and went out the class with her machine

The bell rang and we got out. We joined Sarah sell cookies with her cookie creator.

"Hey, what are Victor and Monty up to now?!" I asked

Victor and Monty were about to start selling milk. They had a cow!

"A cow!?" Brody said

We shook our head and chuckled. There was a disaster as Victor had milk all over him and fell, breaking the table that was behind him.
We laughed.
We were making a huge success. Brody's data com went off. Redbot was calling.

"Brody, I've detected Buzzcams very close to you." Redbot said

"We're on it." Brody replied

"Go on. I'll man the cookies." Mick said

"Thanks, Mick!" I said

We went to where there was an attack from a powerful monster. We were morphed.

"Hold it right there, creep!" Brody said

"Rangers, finally." The monster said

"So, you think you can beat us and win galaxy warriors, huh?" Preston said

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