13 Part II

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Brody's P.O.V

Gemma was unconscious and her wrist bleeded badly. We quickly called the ambulance and took her to the hospital. I couldn't stop shouting at myself from inside. It was my fault.

Levi's P.O.V

It's been four hours since we took Gemma to the hospital. And still no news. Hayley and Sarah were crying, Preston and Calvin were calming them and themselves down. I was worried about Gemma. She was like my little sister I never had before, and her strong love relationship between Brody and her made me feel like she's my future sister in-law or something like that. But it was obvious to all of us that the one who felt the worst was Brody. His eyes were red. He was sitting still leaning his chin on his fist.
I felt bad for my little brother. I half hugged him and tried to make him feel better. Then his tears slid on his cheek.

"Don't worry, she's gonna be alright." I told him

"It's all my fault, Levi. It's all my fault!" He said

The others heared him. They came and stood next to the chair he was sitting on. Brody was looking at the ground. Preston kneeled and turned his face up to his.

"It's not your fault, Brody. It isn't!" Preston told him

"No, it is!" Brody said "If I didn't hesitate and quickly saved her, she won't be in here. She won't be in that troubling situation."

Then he started crying.

"Gem's gonna be alright. Don't worry." Hayley said and sniffed

Brody wiped his tears. After a minute, the doctor came out of the room where Gemma was. Brody quickly stood up and ran to him.

"How's she doing, doctor?" Brody asked

"Well, everything is under control. Her wrist stopped bleeding but she's still in a deep sleep. But tell me, what happened?" The doctor said

"we were walking and some villains attacked us. They caught her and did that." Sarah said a fake story as we couldn't tell the truth

"OK. We expect that she'll be awake after sometime. Please wait and thank you." The doctor told us the great news

A huge smile came to all of our faces. Brody took a deep breath in relief. I hugged him. We stood next to the room's door.
Ten minutes later, we heared soft groaning. Gemma was awake! Brody quickly entered the room. We closed the door behind him. Hayley and Calvin half hugged.

Gemma's P.O.V

I woke up, groaning. I looked around the room. I was confused but remembered what happened with Shoespike and I realized I was in the hospital. Then, the door opened. Brody entered, my eyes widened. I tried to sit up, Brody ran and helped me. He hugged me and I buried my head in his chest and started crying, soaking his shirt but he didn't mind.

"It's ok! Don't worry. I'm here." He said to me, stroking my hair

Then the others came inside. I was very happy to see them. Sarah and Hayley stood on my left side. I hugged them.
Two minutes later, my phone rang. It was my mom.

"She can't know what happened!" Calvin said

"But Cal, I have to answer." I said

"Let Brody answer!" Calvin said

Brody took the phone and answered. Levi held my hand and smiled a warm smile. I really liked him, he's like my older brother. I maybe even like him more than my brother, Jack.
Brody told my mom that I was busy with Mrs. Finch and I'll call her back.
Our data coms went off. Mick told us that Shoespike is back.

"Let's go!" I said

"No!" Brody said

"Please, believe me I can!" I said

The doctor came in.
"You're awake!" He said

"Yes. And I can go!" I replied

The doctor did some tests.

"Maybe you can." The doctor said

"Thanks!" I said and got up
I wore my black leather jacket

"Let's go!" Brody said

We ran to where Shoespike was.

"Stop it!" Brody said

"The rangers! You've finally came!" Shoespike shouted

"Yeah and you're finished!" I said as I stood in the middle between Brody and Calvin.

"WHAT! The silver ranger!" Shoespike shouted

"Yes. And next time you or the weasels like you would want to touch Gem or anyone of my team... think twice!" Brody shouted

"It's morphin time! Power Stars!" I said

"Lock in! Ready! Ninja Spin!" We all said in unison
We morphed, "Ninja Rangers fear no danger!"
We started to fight Shoespike. And this time ot was different. I had more power than ever.
"Steel Slash! Final attack!" Brody and I said and finished Shoespike

"That was epic!" Brody said

"Yeah!" I said and gave him a high five

Then, a purple big beam came down and Shoespike was a giant.
"Let Gem and I handle this creep!" Brody said

"We'll join you if you need a hand!" Calvin said

"Zord stars!" Brody said

"Lock in! Activate! Ninja Spin!" We both said

"Robo Red zord! Out of the shadows!" Brody said

"Tabbie Tiger zord! Out of the shadows!" I said

Then my zord glowed. It shook and made me flew off it. Robo Red caught me. My zord turned into a robot shaped zord just like robo red but it was silver and had like pink or red hair.

"Whoa!" I said

"Epic!" Brody said

I jumped on my zord. "Come on, Tabbie. Let's take our revenge!" I said

We started fighting. Shoespike was extremely fast.

"Calvin! A little help?" I asked

"Hey, meat head! You've run out of time!" Calvin said and came to help us with Nitro zord

"Let's finish this!" I said and took the fusion star from Brody

"Ninja Fusion Zord combine! Ninja Spin!" I said

Zords combine

"Ninja Fusion Zord, ready! Master mode, ready!" I said

"What!? This is totally bogus." Shoespike said

"Let's tread on this shoe!" I said

"Yeah!" The others said

"Ninja master blade activate!" I said

"Ninja Fusion Zord Master Slash. Final attack!" We all said and finished Shoespike

"Ah! I thought I was shoe-in to beat you!" Shoespike shouted as he exploded

"Show's over. Ninjas win!" I announced our victory

"Wow! Our victory today is announced by our little shiny silver one!" Levi said

"Thanks!" I said
We laughed and demorphed. We went back to the race's place. We made sure that all the trophies are back to people.

"I'm really sorry about today, guys. Turns out Ace was all talk. But even if he wasn't, you guys are the coolest friends ever." Calvin said to us, he turned to Hayley "I should have never ditched you. I hope you can forgive me."

"We all make mistakes. What matters is what you do to correct them." Hayley said

"And helping us work together in that race, that was epic." Brody said shrugging

"Totally epic! I don't know how he could go in that race with you two acting like that!" I said and looked at Brody and Levi

They both playfully stucked their tongues out at me. I laughed.
Hayley and Calvin half hugged and so did Brody and I.

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