20 Part I

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Heyy,! So I didn't get any questions in the comments from last chapter (so sad) but here's the chapter! I also have changed the book's cover, so go check it! Enjoy!

Gemma' s P.O.V

I rise a questioning brow when the smile on their faces faded. They didn't answer so I asked. "What is it?"

"It's just..." Levi began but looked at Brody and patted his shoulder and got out as if to let him explain.

"So?" I asked again

"It's just we were planning on something important tomorrow that we haven't told you about yet but we were going to.. So when you told us your old friends are coming, we are afraid you'll spend the whole day with them and not come with us." He explained

"Yeah, so you don't want me to hang out with them." I said

"No no it's not like that! Of course there's no problem with you hanging with them, I want you to be happy. But we need you with us on that thing planned." He said

I put my head in my hands as if to show I'm thinking. I was but it was more to hide the tears forming in my eyes and try to fight it back. Brody noticed any way from the way I was breathing.

"Hey, it's ok. Come on." He said and leaned and pulled me so I'm laying next to him
I rested my head in his chest and he stroked my hair till I was calm enough so we can talk.

"Look, even if there was nothing you and the rest are planning on, I would never like hang out with my friends and leave you guys for the whole day. Of course I was gonna get you all together and be like a one very big group." I told him

"That sounds nice, babe. It's no problem at all. Maybe it was just a misunderstood." He said and I nod in agreement.

"Let's just chill, all right?" He said

"Yeah. Remember the tree house?" I said and smiled

"It's still there!" He teased a bit
I push him slightly playfully.

"Remember when I was poisoned by toxitea?" He said
I nod remembering that painful memory.

"I remember seeing your eyes red and puffy." He said

"You saw?!" I asked

"Yeah. You are comletelyyyy in love with me!" He chuckled

"Well yeah. Guess you're so cute!" I said

"And very handsome! So tell me about your friends who are coming tomorrow?" He said

"Yeah. Well it's my whole old class. Mostly it was English. I guess we're 18 or so. First, we were fifth grade in English together. We got on pretty well and even our parents. Somehow they, our parents, managed to get us a permanent class! We stayed like that together fifth and sixth grade. Then we all decided on the same middle school and got a class with same situations. Then when we went to high school.... you know after!" I explained smiling wide like.

"Wow! There'll be a huuuuge noise when you meet!" He said "who's your favourite among all of them?"

"Well, I like them all! But my best friend ever is Janet. And also there's that one guy, Jason Winchester. He's the funniest we used to goof around and the rest of the class tell us to grow up!" I said

"Wow then! Hey, wanna sleepover?"

"I don't have anything except my phone." I said

"Well then, stay till late and I'll give you a ride home!" He suggested


Levi entered, "all good?"

"All great!" I said "had dinner?"

They shake their heads.
"Ok then, I'll make dinner!" I said and got up. Then I headed to the kitchen and started. I finished and set the plates and everything on the table.
I figured Mr. Romero must've got out while I was with Brody as he entered from the front door. He saw the table.

"Didn't know you could cook that well!" He said as Brody and Levi joined us

"She can," Brody said and wrapped an arm around me

We sat and started to eat. It wasn't noisy nor too quiet. We chatted about random things. After we finished, Brody and I figured it would be better if I went home a bit early. He gave me a ride and we talked about everything came into our minds.

"No way! P.E is better than history!" I said

"Well as for me, it's about my mood." He said and I nodded
We arrived and stopped a block away from my house cause I asked Brody to.

"So Why?" He asked

"Brody can I ask you a serious question that I want you to answer honestly and I'll accept whatever answer is yours?" I asked


"Will I ever be as beautiful as Rebecca Mills? Or Sarah?" I asked him (a/n Rebecca Mills is a random name I made and imagine her as a beautiful girl, ok?)

He looked at me surprised, and held my hand "Gem, you're even more beautiful. You're the prettiest in the whole school!"
I blushed.

"Look at those Rosie cheeks!" He said
I chuckled. We kissed then said our goodbyes and I entered the house. Each room door were closed, my parents', Jessie' s, Jack's and mine.
I enter my room and rested on bed for awhile. Just before I even got a chance to take off my clothes, I heard a loud crash. I get out quickly and what did I see made me scream without realising.

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