10 Part II

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Gemma's outfit below;)

A ribbon fell from the tree and landed on Mr

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A ribbon fell from the tree and landed on Mr. Tien's shoulder. He picked it up.
He read what was written on it,
"January 3rd. Marcus & Ellen Tien love their new son, Preston."

"That's you and mom." Preston said

"Oh my. I'd forgotten. We tied this ribbon on the way home from the hospital after you were born. I must have buried a lot of memories after we lost your mom. I should've listened to you son. You have so much of your mom in you. I've always admired that." Mr. Tien said

He and Preston hugged. It was a great moment for both of them.
Mr. Tien turned.
"The ribbon tree isn't going anywhere. It's staying right here with every last ribbon." He said

Everyone cheered.

"You did it Preston!" I said

Then, some Kudabots blasted lasers from above the tree. Everyone ran away, except Preston's dad.
We fought the Kudapots.
Trapsaw stood infront of Mr. Tien.

"Mr. Tien, watch out!" I shouted.
I was heading his way but another some Kudabots stopped me.
"Preston!" I shouted to him to make him notice his dad.

Preston ran to save his dad. He jumped and kicked Trapsaw.
We all gathered in front of Mr. Tien and got ready to fight Trapsaw.

"You all are so brave." Mr. Tien said

"Keep your tree. I'm outta here." Trapsaw said and turned to leave.

"You're not getting away this easy." Brody said

We ran behind him.
Preston stopped and talked to his dad, to make sure he's OK.
He soon joined us. We found Trapsaw.

"Surprise!" Brody said

"Uh! Any last words rangers?" Trapsaw said

"I've got three!" Brody said
"It's morphin time! Power stars!"

"Lock in! Ready!" We all said in unison
"Ninja spin!"
We morphed.
"Ninja Rangers fear no danger!" We said

"I'll cut you down to size!" Trapsaw said

"Let's do this!" Brody said

We started to fight the Kudabots.
I was in the middle of some Kudabots.
I did a backflip and finished them one by one.
We regrouped again.

"Let's finish this chainsaw chump and his little friends!" Preston said

"Battle morpher, hyper mode!" Brody said
We activated our battle morphers.
"Hyper arrow blast!" Brody said "Final attack!"

And we finished Trapsaw.
"Yeah! Good job!" I said

Then, a purple big beam hit the place where Trapsaw exploded and Trapsaw became a mega-Trapsaw.
"Everything's finally coming up Trapsaw!" Trapsaw said

"We've got trouble." Brody said "Gem,?"

"It's time to see what my zord can do!" I said "Let's summon the zords!"

"Ninja spin!" We all said

"Robo Red zord!" Brody said

"Dragon zord!" Preston said

"Nitro zord!" Calvin said

"Zoom zord!" Sarah said

"Kodiak zord!" Hayley said

"Bull Rider zord!" Levi said

"Tabbie Tiger zord!" I said

"Ninja Steel zords! Out of the shadows!" Brody said "Ninja Steel megazord, combine! Ninja spin!"

And the mega zord combined.
"Ninja steel megazord, ready!" Brody said
"Ninja spin!" We all said in unison

"Ninja master mode, ready!" Brody said

"Amazing!" I said and looked around the zord

"Yeah! It's great, isn't it? By the way, nice name you got for your zord!" Brody said to me

"Thanks!" I said

"Now, let's pop this weasel!" Brody said

We started to fight. Trapsaw was strong.
"Let me handle this!" Brody said "Robo Red solo strike!"
And he and Robo Red started to run fast around Trapsaw.

"Hey, quit it. I'm getting dizzy!" Trapsaw said
Brody joined us again. "Let's shut his trap!" He said

"Ready!" We all replied him

"Ninja Master blade, activate! Ninja spin!" Brody said

"Ninja Steel Megazord Master slash, final attack!" We all said in unison
And we finished Trapsaw.
"But you never fell into my final trap!" Trapsaw said as he exploded.

"Show's over. Ninjas win!" Brody said

We demorphed. Brody and I hugged.
We went back to the ribbon tree.

"Uh, hey. I'll see you guys back at school." Preston told us and went with his dad to tie their ribbon on the tree again.

"Wow, who knew a dad could go from being so cruel to being so cool!" I said

Then someone stopped infront of us. We stopped.
"Brody?" He said
We were surprised! How did he knew his name?

"Yeah....that's my name. Do I know you?" Brody said to him

"Do you know me! I'm Aiden, your brother." The guy said

We couldn't believe it!
Brody hugged Aiden.
I got tears in my eyes. Brody and Aiden parted. Brody looked at me. We smiled a huge smile and hugged.

"Oh! You're so happy, aren't you?" I whispered to him while we were hugging.

"Yeah, yeah! A lot!" He whispered back

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