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Next morning, I woke up at about 7:00 AM. I washed and got dressed. I wore my jeans, white t-shirt and my black leather jacket.
I ate my breakfast. Then I heared a beeb, it was my phone. It was a message from Janet. "Hey girl:)".
I smiled. I picked up my phone and replied "How R U?"

"F9. What about U?"

"I'm going to school:|" I replied

"Gr8. It's 7:30 AM already. Go now, or you'll be l8 ;)" she replied

"Ok. C U" i replied

"C U"

I picked up my bag, said goodbye to my mom, brother Jack, sister Jessie and left.

As I was walking, a thought of Janet and my old school came into my mind. I sighed. Then, gradually thoughts of 'The Power Rangers ' came to my mind.
"Who can they be? Are they normal people from Earth? Are they young or middle-aged?" I asked myself.

I arrived at the gate of the school.
I looked at its gate, took a deep breath then went inside.
The cafeteria was near the the gate, I looked at one of the tables, many were around it.

I took a closer look, they were playing a video about a fight of the rangers.
"They are really cool" I told myself.

Then a short, blonde guy stood in front of me and held up his hand in order to shake mine. He smiled and said "Hi, I'm Monty"
I shook his hand " I'm Gemma."
Then a tall guy pushed Monty by his shoulder slowly and looked at me.
I looked at him, then at Monty.
Monty seemed to be OK with that little push.
Then that tall guy spoke " Well, Hello! I'm Victor Vincent." He said, waving his hands in a little proud way.
I looked at him and said "Hi!" Waving my right hand as he did. "I'm Gemma" I said, shrugging.
I was holding a novel in my left hand.
" Oh!" Victor said " I guess we share a same hobby" ( which is a lie, Victor doesn't like reading like me)
He grabbed the book from my hand and opened it.
He started flipping the pages in a stupid way.
He was about to tore a page but I quickly took the book from him.
"Well," Victor said " I think you know me. I'm the most popular here." (Another fat lie)
" Um. No. Actually, it's my first day " I said.
"Oh. Well, that's me" he said

"O.....k" I said, then walked out of the gate, I shrugged and sighed.
Then, I came to a magic show called " Presto Change-O"
I guess a student from the school made it.
I stood and watched it.
As I was watching it, a tall girl with black hair (Hayley) came and stood next to me.
She looked at me and said "Oh! Hi!"

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