18 Part I

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Sarah woke up and then she woke me up. I woke up Hayley and the three of us got ready. We walked to school. We met the guys there.
We found out about the adventures of Redbot thing and the strange man who wants to see Redbot. We decided to keep quiet and not mention any of what happened in the real events.

"Wow, there are so many people here." I said

"Are Redbot's stories really that good?" Calvin said

"They are, because he stretches the truth a bit." Levi said

"That's not good. I hope it doesn't backfire on him." Preston said

"Yeah." Levi said

We sat down. We found Mary, sitting two rows infront of us.

"Hey, look, guys, it's Mary, my biggest fan." Levi said "Hey, Mary."

We waved to each other.

"She's cute." I said

"Aha!" Brody said

Hayley joined us after she was with her dog, Cody.
Redbot came on the platform (stage). Victor and Monty were with him. Ugh! Sometimes um.... always I really worry about those guys.

"Hello everyone. I'm Redbot, and welcome to my book launch. I'm so excited to give you all a free copy of..." Redbot was saying
Then that man came and whispered something to him.

"I've just been told that the books haven't arrived yet." Redbot said

Then Mick came from behind us and scared us.
"Guys, I've detected Buzzcams in the city." Mick said to us in a low voice

"We better go check it out." Hayley whispered
We rushed toward the gate to leave.

"Perhaps I can tell you a story. One that's not in the book." I heared Redbot saying as I got out.
I shook my head. We went to the city. There were Kudabots. They were preventing the truck with the books from moving. We morphed. Brody and I got on to our mega morph cycles.

"There they are!" Brody said

"Plasma Blast!" We both said and blasted them.
We destroyed them. But more Kudabots came. We got off the mega morph cycles. The others joined us.

"Hey! That's the truck that's carrying Redbot's books!" Brody said

"No way that's a coincidence!" I said

The Kudabots vocalized and ran to attack us. We got into the fight. I ran through them and destroyed one by one. Slashing the first, second and third. Kicking the fourth and fifth and punching the sixth.

Third person's P.O.V

Cat o'clock froze the books.
Beeb. Zap!

Gemma's P.O.V

There were a few Kudabots left. We regrouped.

"You know what to do, guys!" Brody said

We got out our Ninja Blasters.
"Ninja Blast!" We said

"Rockstorm Blast!" Levi said

"Final attack!" We all said in unison and destroyed the Kudabots

I ran to the truck's driver. Still morphed so he can't discover my identity.
"You're safe now. You better get to the book launch." I told him

"Okay." He said and drove away

"Why would they attack Redbot's books?" Hayley asked the question in my head

"Uh, I have a bad feeling about this." Preston said

"We better get back to that book launch." Brody said

"Yeah!" I said

"You got it." Sarah said

We got back. We each took a copy of the book.
Victor wanted to tell a story instead of Redbot.

"Oh, can it, Victor! We want a Redbot story." Mary said

I was standing behind her seat so I leaned to her and whispered; "Yeah, please shut him up."

"Oh, you poor thing! You deal with this nonsense everyday?" She asked me in a sad cat eyes

I nodded sadly. We chuckled.
"Hey, you're Levi's friend!" She said

"Aha!" I said

"You're my friend too! You look nice!" She said

"Sure, thanks!" I said
I gave her a quick kiss on the cheek and went back to my seat. Then, Redbot started to tell the story of Levi's concert day. I know enough about it as Brody told me what happened. Let me just say Redbot went a bit too far.

"It was the day of Levi Weston's big concert, and the monsters were determined to ruin it." Redbot started

"I know this one. There was a big earthquake." Mary said

"That's right. Skulldozer was trying to collapse the concert venue. People were running for there lives! Young Mary was lost and scared. The roof started to collapse!" Redbot was saying
Then he said that he came and blasted the huge rocks falling instead of the gold ranger -Levi- .

"See, that's what I was talking about." Levi said to us

"Redbot's stories are a little exaggerated to say the least." Sarah said

"Oh no! Mary's here. She'll say it's not true." I said
And sure enough she did. But not before Victor said that HE saved Mary not Redbot. Well, I can believe that Redbot saved her. But Victor? Nuh-uh! Not in a million years!

"You're all lying! That isn't how it happened at all! The Gold Ranger saved me. You're all a bunch of phonies." Mary stated and left angrily.

"Mary!" Levi and I said but she left

"What does that mean, Redbot? Are your stories true or not?" The man who came for Redbot said. I don't know his name but I didn't really care.

"Well, uh... Please, let me explain!" Redbot said

The crowd started booing. Then a monster came in.
We just stood up to face him but then we couldn't move. (Turns out he froze us.)

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