20 Part II

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The noise came from the kitchen. The light was on, the fridge door was half open, the window was broken and a million pieces of glass splattered on the floor and there... My brother, Jack!! He had cuts from the glass and also a knife or a blade cut across his forehead. He was on the ground, not moving. My parents and sister came. I pull Jack near to me and shake him as gently as I could. But still he didn't wake up nor respond. Jessie and I kept weeping and my parents called an ambulance. Although I might hate Jack's actions towards me, but he's my brother.

Later... in the hospital.

It took an hour for Jack to wake up. I'll admit, an hour was too long that I started to worry even more.

"What happened my baby?" My mom asked Jack while stroking his hair, tears in her eyes as well as mine and Jessie' s. Him, laying on the hospital bed.

"Not now, Amber." My dad said

"It's fine dad, I can talk" Jack said and sat up taking a comfortable position
"It's just I got thirsty and went to the kitchen to grab a can of soda, very normally. Suddenly someone broke in and I didn't even had the chance to see him. All I saw was his hand with a blade in it and I don't remember a thing after."

"We have to get that guy!" My mom said

"How?!" I said "how are you gonna get him and how did all that happen so quickly? I came back from Brody' s and all the doors of the rooms were shut and it didn't take even five minutes when I heard the crash!"

"Must've been a quick guy." Jessie said

"No. You didn't get what I mean. If it happened that quick then that guy planned for it. And planned for only Jack, I mean, he didn't hurt any of us except him. Anyone you messed up with or got in a fight with someone?" I said, referring the last question to Jack.

He shook his head, "I don't remember."

My dad was about to say something but the doctor entered.

"Mr. And Mrs. Kane, I'd like to talk to you for a while." He said

My parents went out with him and Jessie followed. I stayed with Jack.

"So why?" He said


"You were worried about me, you were crying. Why?" He asked

I fell silent for a moment and managed to say, " You're my brother. Although you act like a jerk towards me. I don't know why you do it or why you hate me. But you're my brother."

He turned his head away but I'm sure he smiled. He looked at me again directly in my eyes. Tears formed in my eyes. But I fought them back. He noticed, for the first time.
He gestured for me to come sit next to him. I sat on the edge of the bed.
I looked at his eyes again.

He chuckled, "I love you, you little shit!" And then he hugged me, both chuckling.

Minutes later, they came in. Jessie' s eyes widened with surprise and happiness.
The doctor said Jack can go home now and that was the best news besides that my friends are coming tomorrow morning!

While in my dad's car, we all talked about random stuff. Mostly, I come with the stupidest stuff.

"Why do I have to get the second of everything?!" I asked

"Cause you're the second child for mom and dad." Jack said

"Seeee?! You said 'second' again!" I said

After we pulled up, I got to my room quickly. Wore my pijama and hopped on my bed slowly dozing off. Next day, I woke up a bit late so I ate a quick breakfast which was a Nutella toast sandwich. Jessie came out of her room and pleaded me to make her one. I groaned and made her the sandwich as quick and good as I can. After I did, sprinted to my room to get dressed. I put on the outfit I bought last week.

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