16 Part I

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The day started off pretty good. We were excited for Halloween. Me, Brody, Sarah, Preston and Levi were sitting normally singing. Very soon, Calvin and Hayley joined us with some kind of board game in Calvin's hand. Also with the costumes.

"Hey guys, we got the Halloween costumes!" Hayley said

"Awesome!" I said

"Guys, look what I got." Calvin said and showed the board game.

"Wow, a Halloween board game. Let's play it before we go trick or treating." Brody said

"Yeah, that's a great idea!" I said

"Um.. guys, I've never really liked board games and that one seems kinda lame." Levi said "Let's sing another song."

"Oh, come on , Levi!" Hayley said

"It'll be fun!" I said

"You play if you want. It's not my thing." Levi said

I sighed.

"I'll see ya, Gemm." Levi said

"Okay. See ya!" I said "Have fun."

"You too!" He said

"All right, come on, guys. Let's check it out!" Brody said

We went to play. Before we did. We changed into our costumes. I was dressed in a teddy bear. Sarah and Hayley saw me first. We couldn't stop laughing on how kiddie I looked.

We joined the guys. I was skipping. I saw Brody dressed like a British queen guard. He was amazing.

"Telly -ho, Captain Brody. What what!" I said as I passed by Brody still skipping

"As you were, Major Teddy bear!" He said "Teddy bear! You're awesome!"
We both laughed.

"Hey, nice hat!" Preston and Hayley said at one time
"Thanks!" They both said again.

"Come on, let's play." Brody said

We sat down.

"Okay, I guess we start here." Hayley said "Go along the path and finish here."

The game was weird.

"This is so creepy." I said "I totally love it!"

Brody took a card that explain the game and read it.
"Place your piece at the cemetery gates, then turn the hourglass to seal your fate. He was reading in a creepy way. I liked it.
We both looked at each other and laughed a sinister laugh with our fists clinched.

"Spooky! Everybody ready?" Brody asked

"Yep!" We replied

"Here we go!" Brody said and turned the hourglass

Then it got dark. The doors slammed shut. There was a crystal ball related to the gamr. It glowed and Cosmo appeared on it.

"Welcome, Rangers! Looks like you're about to play Grave Robber!" Cosmo said

"Cosmo!" I said

"You're about to play my board game!" Cosmo said

"This isn't a game, this is a trap!" Preston said

"Guys? Guys, I can't get out of my seat." Calvin said

"Uh oh. Me either!" Hayley said

We all tried to stand up but we couldn't.

"Rangers, welcome to the Galaxy Warriors' Halloween special! You're trapped in my board game, Grave Robber!" Cosmo said

"I don't think so." Brody said and tried to call Levi "Levi, Levi come in!"
But there was no answer.

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