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We found Mick working on my zord star!

"Gemma, your zord will be a tiger." He said and handed me the star.

"Cool." Brody said

"Yeah. That's great!" I said

The next day at school, Mrs. Finch asked us to write notes in small papers. We'll choose some students from the class and write a note for him or her and do not sign the note. But we must be honest with what we write.
I managed to write a true one for Brody, to see if he felt the same as I do.
I wrote Sarah's note first, "You're such a great friend. I'm really glad I met you.:)"

Then, I wrote Hayley's note, "You're really cute! I really like you. :)"

I wrote Levi's, "Well, It's great to get to know you. ;)"

I wrote Calvin's, "Stay cool and keep Hayley safe and happy. LOL! ;)"

I wrote Preston's, "Keep up your great work! N.B/ I want a bunny like yours ;)"

I wrote Brody's "I really like you! You're so great. I hope we can get closer. Stay cute!"
I closed the papers.
After this, Brody rested the left side of his head on my shoulder and whispered, "What are you gonna write for Victor?"

"I don't know. I can't write for him cause Mrs. Finch said that we must say the truth and I can't tell Victor the truth about what I really think of him." I whispered back

"Yeah. Even though we'll write the truth, we'll need two A4 sheets to write all of it." He whispered

We laughed. Brody is such an amazing person!

"Let's write one note from both of us." I suggested

"Great idea." Brody said "what can we write?"

"Something that is not rude and not that nice, like...." I said and took the pen and wrote: 'Dear Victor, we don't know you really well but you seem OK, we guess.'

"Epic!" Brody said

And when Victor wasn't looking, Brody putthe note on his desk.

"Ok, class. It's time to read the notes." Mrs. Finch said

Victor read the note.

"Who wrote this?" He asked

No one spoke.

"Ugh! I don't mind!" He shouted and threw the note away.

Brody and I looked at each other and chuckled.

I read my notes. I really liked them. I could tell that Sarah, Hayley and the rest of the team don't really hate me.
Then, I read a note which got my attention. It was:
'I really like you, girl! You're so Amazing, cute and beautiful. We must get closer.'

I really hoped it was from Brody.
I noticed Brody read my note.

Brody's P.O.V

I read a note which I really liked.
It said; 'I really like you! You're so great. I hope we can get closer. Stay cute.'

I hoped it was from Gemma. I really liked her. She's so sweet and beautiful!
I wish she has the same feelingas I do.

Gemma's P.O.V

The bell rang. It was lunch time, we went to the cafeteria.
Brody came and sat next to me.
"Hey." I said

"Hey." He said "Gem,"

"Yeah?" I said

"I guess you should know my real story." He said

"The one you told me when we were in the forest?" I asked

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