17 Part I

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I woke up at 7:00 AM today really excited to go to school with Brody. I got dressed in my black leather jacket and black with silver stripes hot shorts and grabbed a KitKat bar for breakfast. I ate it quick and checked the time. It was 7:15.
Around 7:23 Brody arrived and called me to get out to him. I said goodbye to Mom and got out. I got in the truck and we did a quick hug, saying 'hey' at the same time.
We arrived in 10 minutes. When we got to the school the others were already in there. Except for Calvin and Hayley. Looked like Calvin overslept and Hayley was coming on foot. And Calvin was late anyway.
We were at the front desk. I was sitting on it next to Sarah and Brody was standing next to me. I wrapped an arm around him. Then, Calvin and Hayley arrived.

"Morning, guys." Brody said to them

"I'd say someone overslept." Preston said to Calvin
Brody and I chuckled.

"Stop stop. She's so mad." Calvin whispered to Preston

Then, Principal Hastings told Hayley that she could make good president and she should run for the student body elections.

"Yeah, I should." Hayley agreed

"Interested in running for president, Calvin?" Principal Hastings asked Calvin

Hayley was about to laugh but stopped quickly and cleaned her throat.

"A president means to get things done. Calvin is too laid - back. He can't even pick me up on time." Hayley said

We oohed.

"Too laid back?" Calvin said

"Yeah." Hayley said

"Can't get things done?" Calvin said

"Yep." Hayley said

Calvin signed to run for president.

"Well, you're on .... boyfriend." Hayley said and shook hands with Calvin

"Bring it." Calvin said

"I will." Hayley said

Later, the others came back with stuff they're going to need. Brody and Sarah were helping Calvin. Preston and Levi were helping Hayley. I came and joined them.

"Gemm, you'll help me!" They both, Calvin and Hayley said at the same time

"Okay." I laughed

"Come on, don't let Brody's magic let you go with him helping Calvin." Hayley said

Brody and I laughed.
"Come down, Hayles." I said "Ok. I, Gemma Kane, decided to..."
But I never had the chance to complete my sentence as Jessie, my sister came and interrupted me.

"Gemma Kane will help her sister Jessie Kane on choosing what shoes to buy." Jessie said

"Uh, Jess. No!" I said "I'm not free now."
Then Jack came and pushed me by his shoulder but Jessie helped me not fall. When I saw Jack, I was like just GREAT!

"What Jack?" I said

"What?!" He shouted "Where's my black V-neck shirt?"

"I don't know! I don't wear your disgusting clothes anyway!" I shouted back

"Hey hey chill out!" Sarah said

"Shut up!" Jack said to her

"Don't talk to her like that Jack!" I said

He raised his hand in a fist and was about to punch me but Levi caught his hand.

"That's enough!" Levi said, preventing his hand to move

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