19 Part I

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We were starting the day pretty good. Preston received a package.

"It's from princess Viera, in the lion galaxy." Preston said

"How'd it get here?" I said

"Attention please," Victor spoke up "it's been one year since the school tennis contest. And in case you forgot, i was amazing." (Big fat lie)

Monty turned on a monitor that showed Victor playing tennis in a dramatic way.
He showed Hayley as she was his opponent. "My opponent on the other hand, wasn't." He said. He showed Hayley playing badly.

"They say it's the worst defeat in school history. So, who dares to face me this year?" Victor said

I grabbed Brody by his hand as i was holding it and stood behind Hayley.

"Hayles, you have to face him." I whispered to her

"Yes. Show him who's amazing." Brody whispered

"They're right." Calvin added

"Fine then, i humbly accept this year's trophy.... right now. " Victor said

Hayley walked and stood infront of him. "I'll play you again!" She said

"Yeah!" I whispered to myself

"You want that to happen again?" Victor said to Hayley

I stood next to her. "It won't." I said "and if it does, it will probably be for you."

"Yup! This time I'm prepared!" Hayley said

I half hugged her, we chuckled.

"This year's tennis match will be today at lunchtime." Principal Hastings said "See you on the court."

We went to the base. Preston opened the package.

"Hey guys, Viera sent us the Lion Fire ninja stars." Preston said

"Whoa!" I said

Then Preston grabbed a book. "What are these?!"

"Now we can use these when we need some extra firepower." Calvin said

"She sent you a wand!" Brody said to Preston

"Yeah and..." preston said and he opened the book "old spell book."

"They came with an intergalactic message disk." Mick said and put the disk on a table and pressed a button on it
A 3d picture of Viera appeared

"Greetings, Rangers." It said

"Whoa, it's princess Viera." I said

"I return to you the ninja stars which control the Lion Fire Zord and armor. And I have a gift for Preston." The message continued. Preston, however wasn't really paying attention so Brody grabbed his attention. But i guess it was no use. "From the treasure room of the Lion Galaxy. It's an ancient book of advanced magic spells and the dragon wand that goes with it." Mick pulled Preston by shoulder to make him pay attention. "Preston, this magic is quite advanced. To master it, you must start at the beginning of the book and learn each spell in order. No matter what, do not skip ahead. I hope these ate useful. Farewell, rangers." The message ended

"I can't wait to try these out." Preston said

Hayley went to practice. I went with her.
Preston was coming near us.

"Hey Preston, i have to warm up for the match at noon." Hayley said "I thought you were gonna help me practice."

"I am, using spell number one in my spell book..... observe!" Preston said and pointed the wand to the bucket of balls "Eta... tivel!" And a ball flew up

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