11 Part I

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Aiden told us his story;
"On that day, ten years ago. The day the monsters took Brody. Dad told me: 'Take the Ninja Steel and hide it. Aiden, until I come back you stay hidden too. Like a ninja.' Ok dad, I replied him. 'I love you.' He told me. 'I love you too dad.' I replied
I saw dad turn into a power ranger. I couldn't believe it! But then Galvanax hit Dad hard. Our dad destroyed the star, but then disappeared into thin air. He was gone. But I knew one thing for sure. I had to keep the Ninja Steel safe. I hid it in Dad's trophy in the high school, then left you the clue in our secret spot. I was terrified Galvanax would come after me, so I ran away as far as I could go. When I saw the power rangers on TV, and you had this. (He showed the red power star.) I knew it had to be you, Brody."

"Dad would be so glad we found each other again." Brody said

"Hey, do you think I could come and see the ranger hideout?" Aiden asked "What do you think?"

"Sure." Brody said

I didn't think it's a good idea, and so did Mick.

"Uh, Brody? I wonder if that's such a great idea. The prism. Ninja Steel. They're only for power rangers. Sorry, Aiden." Mick said

"Oh, that's OK. But do you think I could train with you guys?" Aiden asked

"Oh, Uh, sure!" Mick said

"See if you remember what Dad taught us." Brody said to Aiden and playfully punched him

"You're on!" Aiden said

We all went to train. I trained with Brody, Levi trained with Aiden.
Levi was making really nice moves.

"Nice moves, Levi." Hayley complimented

"Oh, you think those are nice? Check this out." Aiden said

He started to attack Levi with rapid moves.

"But we're not going full speed here, Aiden. It's just training." Levi said

But Aiden attacked him again. Levi stopped him. "Enough." He said

"Yeah, chill out, Aiden." Hayley said

"You know, I'm not one to complain, but that's not cool." Levi said

Brody handed me his sword and went to them.

"Hey, guys. What's going on?" Brody said

"Looks like I don't place nice enough for your buddies." Aiden told Brody "I'll see you." He left

"Guys, what's the story?" Brody asked

"Honestly, Brody, your brother doesn't want to train. He just wants to show off." Hayley said

"He's been on his own for ten years. Cut him some slack." Brody said

I went to them and stood next to Brody.

"Guys, guys. Come on, chill out." I tried to cool them down

But, Brody left. "Brody!" I said and went after him. I hate this situation. I don't know what to do. Be on Brody's side or the others. I kept thinking, I couldn't stop.
Brody went to the base. I went there and sat next to him.

"Hey, you won't go to make the chocolate sculptures with the rest?" I asked, smiling

"Nah!" He said in an annoyed tune

"And I'll stay with you." I said

He smiled a half smile and buried his head in my chest. I hugged his shoulders with my hands.

"Ugh! I don't know what to do, Gem. I'm tired." He said

"It's Ok." I told him "Just wait for sometime and everything will be fine. You'll see."

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