10 Part I

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"Gem, what do you think about the notes?" He asked

"Today's notes? They're fine. I liked them." I told him

"Great." He said

"But there was one that....." I started but stopped

"The one which has 'get closer'?" He asked

"Yes." I said

"It was from me Gem." Brody said

"Really?" I said

"Yeah. I read one which also has 'get closer' " he said

"It was from me." I said

His eyes lit up, and so did mine.

"Gem, I.." he said

"Brody, I also ...." I said

We sighed.

"Yeah!" We both said at one time

Omg! Brody felt the same as I do!

We stared at each other. We walked toward each other and smiled.
We held each other's hand.

"See you tomorrow, babe!" He said

"See you!" I said

We chuckled.

"Good night!" He said

"Good night!" I said

I went home. Finally, my life started to change.
"That's great!" I thought

The next day, I woke up early very excited. I went to school, smiling all the way.
I went to the class and found only Brody in it.

"Hey!" I said and sat next to him

"Hey sweetie! You're here early." He said

"Yeah! I guess my mood is good." I said

We chuckled.

"The others may be here after some minutes." He said

"Great! Um, oh no!" I said

"What?!" He asked

"Have you studied for today's quiz ?" I asked

"Oh no! Let's study for it now." He said

And we quickly took out our books and started. We finished quickly.

"I guess we're ready?" I asked

"Yeah. I guess." He said

"Ok!" I said and took out my phone and earbuds.
"Wanna have fun while waiting for the others?" I said, putting an earbud in my ear and handing him the other.

"Sure thing!" He said

I played 'Shape of you'.

"Oh I love this song!" Brody said

We smiled. We started singing with the song.

Third person's P.O.V

The others arrived. Sarah was infront of them. As they were entering the class, Sarah stopped.

"Guys," Sarah said "look"

"Do you think they..." Hayley started

"Became like Calvin and Hayley?" Levi finished

Calvin and Hayley chuckled.

"They sing really well." Preston said

They watched Gemma and Brody singing, the earbuds in their ears.
They went;
'And now I'm singing like, girl you know I want your love. Your love was handmade for somebody like me.'

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