12 Part I

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There was a talent show today at school. We heared that Presto Chang-O is making an appearance in it. Brody and Aiden will perform a song that their dad brought for them when they were kids. Calvin asked Levi and I if we were gonna perform anything but we weren't. I don't have any talents. I just love singing, but my voice is terrible and I'm not willing to let people hear it.
"We'd better go practise. I'm not sure if i remember all the words." Brody told me,Calvin and Levi.

"Ok. I'll see you." I said

We did a quick hug and he and Aiden went to practise.

My data com went off. Mick needed us in the base. Ripcon attacked. We quickly went to where Brody was practising.

"Ripcon's attacking the city." I said

"Ripcon? He's tough!" Brody said and put his guitar on a table. "Last time we fought I barely got away."

"Mick, what about that new star you've been working on?" Calvin asked

"The Ninja fusion star! Well it's almost completed. It will harness the power of all seven of your power stars." Mick said

" But we still need to add my gold energy." Levi said

"Right!" Mick said

"We'll buy some time while you guys go back to the base and finish the Fusion Star." Brody said "Sorry about this, Aiden. I'll see you later, okay?"

"No problem. Just be safe, Brody." Aiden said

We left. Mick and Levi went to the base. The rest of us went to fight Ripcon.

"Ninja Spin!" We all said and morphed the moment we saw Ripcon

We started to fight some Basherbots.

"Brody, we'll take care of the Basherbots!" Preston said

"Yeah, you try to stop Ripcon!" I said

"I'm on it!" Brody said and went to fight Ripcon

"I've been waiting for this!" Ripcon said

"Not as much as I have." Brody said

"I've always hated you, rat bait!" Ripcon said

"Feeling's mutual!" Brody said

And they got in the fight. As they were fighting, their swords hit each other and Brody's sword fell.

"My sword!" Brody said

"You're defenseless now!" Ripcon said and was about to hit Brody but I threw my sword. It hit the wall beside Brody and Ripcon and prevented Ripcon's hit.

"That's not your sword!" Ripcon said

"No, it's mine!" I shouted

"Thanks, Gem!" Brody said

I started to fight the Basherbots without a sword, but they were easy.
A group of Basherbots surrounded me. I kicked them one by one. Each one attacked me, I punched it and it was destroyed.

"Dual element blast!" Brody shouted

There was an explosion around Ripcon. But Ripcon wasn't affected.

"Very nice, but I learned that move in kindergarten!" Ripcon said

"He's too strong!" Brody said

Just then, Levi sent the new star.

"Yes, Great timing, Levi!" Brody said

"New star, eh?" Ripcon said "You won't have a chance to use it!"

Their swords hit again and the star fell from Brody's hand. Brody hit Ripcon and jumped and got the star.

"Got it!" Brody said

"Now's your chance!" I said

"Use the Ninja Fusion Star!" Calvin said

"Use all our powers!" Hayley said

"Take him out!" Sarah said

"That's the plan!" Brody said "Your time's up!"

"Give it your best shot!" Ripcon said

"Ninja Fusion Fury, final attack!" Brody said as the swords in his hands powered up.

"Double Sword Doom Strike!" Ripcon said

The energy hummed.

"Fusion Blades, combine!" Brody said

Ripcon yelled. "You've beaten me this time, rat bait. But I'll be back!" He shouted and disappeared

"No, he got away!" Brody said "I was so close to destroying him."

"Let's get back to the base." I said

Meanwhile at the base,
Third person's P.O.V

Aiden entered the base. Mick and Redbot saw him.

"Aiden..? Uh, you shouldn't be in here." Mick said

"Yeah, and I shouldn't do this even." Aiden said and he blasted Mick and Redbot and froze them
He went to take the ninja steel. Levi entered.

"Aiden?" He asked "What are you doing with the Ninja Steel?"

Aiden tried to blast him but Levi jumped away. Aiden put the Ninja Steel on the table and went behind Levi.
They fought. Aiden blasted and Levi defended. The blast returned and hit the fake Aiden.

"Aiden please, stop. How could you betray your own brother?" Levi said

Aiden turned. His chest was open and he was a robot.
"I'm no one's brother!" The fake Aiden said in an evil robot voice.

"Whoa! You're some kind of cyborg." Levi said

"You have no chance against me." Fake Aiden said
They got into fight again. Aiden attacked Levi.

Gemma's P.O.V

We headed back to the base. But we found Mick and Redbot frozed. We heared blating and zapping. We headed to where these noises were coming from.
We saw Aiden fighting Levi. Aiden was fake as his chest was open and he was a robot.

"Aiden, he's a robot!" Levi said

We gasped. Brody was shocked that he didn't even speak or move a muscle.

"Do something!" Levi said

We blasted the fake Aiden and he was destroyed. Brody was completely speechless. I put my hand on his shoulder. The others helped Levi stand.

"You will all pay." Fake Aiden said and exploded

"He wasn't my brother, he was one of Galvanax's robots." Brody said

"I caught him trying to take the ninja steel." Levi said

I held Brody's hand and leaned my head on his shoulder. We half hugged.
We went back to the base. I sat next to Brody. I was feeling really sorry for him, he was in a horrible situation.

"How could a robot have all those memories? How did it knew about the song?" Brody asked me in a low voice

"Guys, Ripcon's returned to the city and this time, he's gone giant." Sarah said

"Let's take Ripcon down, once and for all." Brody said

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