18 Part II

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Third person's P.O.V

The cat-looking monster froze everybody and the rangers as they were holding the books and Mary. But not Redbot.

"You all just had to have a book, and now the books have frozen you in time." Cat o'clock said

"Not everybody!" Redbot said

"What!?" Cat o'clock was shocked

"Your spell doesn't work on robots!" Redbot said

"A pathetic robot isn't enough to stop me from taking the six power stars." Cat o'clock says and headed toward the rangers

"No! How can I stop him?" Redbot said to himself

Cody barked.

"Oh no! A dog!?" Cat o'clock said and ran away hissing like scared cats

"Go get him, Cody!" Redbot said
Cody untied himself with his mouth and continued barking, running after Cat o'clock

"Good dog! Now to save my friends!" Redbot says and pull the book from the rangers' hands

"What happened to that cat monster?" Brody said

Gemma's P.O.V

Redbot pulled the book from our hands. Turns out the monster put a spell on the books that froze anyone who touches or holds it. That's why the Kudabots was attacking the books truck.

"Everyone seems okay." I said

"Come on, guys. Let's show that sourpuss who's boss." Brody says and we nod.

"Wait, Mary has a book. She left early." Redbot said

"Oh no! She may be in danger!" I said

"You're right. Redbot and I will find Mary. You guys find that monster." Levi said and went with Redbot

"Let's go!" I say and we went

Levi's P.O.V

Redbot and I went to find Mary on the mega morph cycle.

"Mary left on foot. She's gotta be nearby." I said

Gemma's P.O.V

We found the monster.

"There he is!" Brody said as we saw him

"That lousy dog ruined my plan!" The monster said

"Now it's time for us to ruin your day." Brody said

The monster meowed aggressively.

"It's morphin time! Power Stars!" Brody started

"Lock in! Ready! Ninja Spin!" We all said in unison and morphed

"Power of the Ninja! Ninja Steel Red!" Brody said

"Roar of the Ninja! Ninja Steel Silver!" I said after Brody

"Stealth of the Ninja! Ninja Steel Blue!" Preston said

"Strength of the Ninja! Ninja Steel Yellow!" Calvin said

"Spirit of the Ninja! Ninja Steel White!" Hayley said

"Speed of the Ninja! Ninja Steel Pink!" Sarah said

"Ninja Rangers fear no danger!" We said and took our final stances

"Kudabots! Make them "hiss-tory" " Cat o'clock said
We got into the fight against Kudabots.
I got a group around me. I slash, Kick and punch. I do a back flip and kick one.

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