Chapter 1

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         Greninja sat down against a tree near a lake in the forest, thinking. Lately he has been in a war with his feelings toward his best friend, Braixen. They were really close and often hung out in the city. Greninja was okay with this, its just that he felt something different towards her, something powerful, something

         "Alright I think I'm going insane! I can't love my best friend! That's wrong on so many levels!"  Greninja thought to himself. He sat in silence as he stared at the crystal blue lake. Leaves were falling and he could hear the wind whistling in the trees. 

"She probably doesn't feel the same way anyway..."

(Quick Note: Pokedexes are used as phones in this universe)

         He heard the pokedex vibrated, a text message. Greninja picked it up and looked at the message. It was from one of his best friends, Raichu. "Hey Greninja! Our group of friends are meeting at the city tonight at 7:00 to hang out together. Want to come?" Greninja replied saying that he will be there.

         He continued to be quiet for a few minutes until he heard some soft footsteps, probably someone trying to sneak up on him, crunching in the leaves. Greninja knew immediately that it was his close friend, Braixen.

         "Braixen I know your there!" He yelled. He heard a sight. "I never get to sneak up on you!" Braixen said, moving away from the back of the tree, her hiding spot. "Well you're going to have to try harder than that if you're going to sneak up on me." He joked. Braixen giggled. "I guess you're right, considering that you are a ninja with great sense of hearing." They both laughed.

         When they calmed down, Greninja stayed quiet. Braixen stared at him confused on what's going on with him. "It's normal for him to not talk much with people, since he doesn't like a lot of social interaction," Braxien thought. "But something feels off, maybe there's something on his mind?" Greninja had his eyes closed now, probably lost in his thoughts. He was still thinking about his feelings for the fox.

"Greninja is something wrong?" Braixen asked, worried about her best friend (which she had a crush on).

         Greninja instantly looked up at her, his cheeks turning a bright pink. "No! I-It's nothing really!"

A.N: Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed the first chapter today! It took a while to do, but it was worth it. Again, I hope you enjoyed!

A Greninja X Braixen Story [COMPLETED PART 1]Where stories live. Discover now