Chapter 23

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"Hey what happened here? And what happened to Greninja?" Sylveon asked as she entered the Diner. "Well, Blaziken picked a fight against him. Punched him, chocked him and scratched him." Said Braixen as she turned to look at the frog hoping he will wake up now. "Hey, help me take him to my place?" Braixen asked. Sylveon nodded.

She was a big help. Her ribbons were very helpful since it would act like more than one Pokémon to help carry Greninja back. When Sylveon left to do errands, it was just Braixen and an unconscious Greninja.

She spent about 2 hours just sitting down and having an anxiety attack. "What if he isn't okay? What if he doesn't even remember who I am or who he is? What if he's..." Braixen gulped at the thought. "...dead?" Scared, she shuttered in goosebumps. Just to be sure, she got up and put one of her fingers against the side of his neck.

She could still feel a pulse.

Braixen gave a sigh of relief. "That's a good sign that he's not dead..." Braixen calmed herself. "Greninja is going to be okay..."

Thirty minutes had passed. Braixen looked down at the living room carpet. Greninja hadn't woke up yet. Braixen realized she was hungry soon and got a quick snack from the kitchen, ate it, and sat back down.

Braixen eyes started to feel a bit droopy before she heard, "Braixen?" Braixen jumped in surprise and she quickly turned around to see Greninja's face giving a warming smile to her. "Greninja? You scared me!" She exclaimed. "But. At least you're okay." Braixen whispered as she embraced Greninja into a hug. Before she knew it, Braixen was lying on Greninja's chest and stomach, basically on top of him. He put his hand around Braixen's side and rested it against her back, hugging her on one side. "Do you still remember what happened?" Braixen asked. "Yea. I do. That Blaziken wanted to pick a fight with me. He was trying to get you away from me...You were too scared to speak up on your own, so I stranded up for you," Greninja continued. "I got into the fight and I only remember that I was pushed back? Onto the edge of the table, I think. Then I just remember everything going black..." He could feel Braixen's heart beat, which was accelerating. "Hey are you okay?" He asked Braixen.

"It's just that I was scared. Not just because of Blaziken trying to take me away, but because of your safety. You got multiple injuries, so I was concerned about your physical health," Said Braixen, fighting back tears. "When you blacked out, I was extremely worried and scared."
Braixen stayed silent for a bit while Greninja processed everything the fox just said. "You were unconscious for a long time, so I was scared that you...died." Braixen finished, tears flowing through her eyes.

Braixen was sobbing uncontrollably, while Greninja tried to comfort her. Saying, "Don't worry, I'm okay. I'm okay." He was striking her fur, trying to calm her down. Greninja slowly and softly pulled her a bit away from her, enough to see Braixen's eyes. With one finger, he tried to wipe the tears away from both of her eyes. Braixen smiled with a slight, rosy blush on her face. Greninja gently pulled her into a kiss. And she didn't reject it either. She kissed back. After the kiss, Braixen got of Greninja.

"Sit up, that way I can put a bandage around your chest." Braixen ordered with a blush still on her face after the kiss. Greninja chuckled and sat up scratching the back of his head. As Braixen walked upstairs to the bathroom (where most of her medical supplies were) Greninja thought, "She cares about me...."

A few seconds later, Braixen came back with a roll of bandages and a pair of scissors. She walked towards him and sat right behind Greninja on the couch.
"Do you mind raising your arms slightly so I can put the bandage around you?" She asked. Greninja nodded and did so. Braixen carefully did laps around his body before noticing his muscles. He was pretty strong. After all, he does train a lot and often. Braixen sensed that she was just staring at Greninja's arm and shook her head, trying to ignore the thoughts she was having right now. Braixen, after a minute or two, finished.

"Thanks, Braixen. I love you."

"I love you too."

A Greninja X Braixen Story [COMPLETED PART 1]Where stories live. Discover now