Chapter 20

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Greninja walked over to Braixen. He was finally going to tell her how he felt. Greninja had bottled up how feelings ever since he was a Frogadier. He was starting to sweat, the same goes for his palms. He hadn't felt this nervous in such a long time.

"H-hey, Braixen?" Greninja nervously asked. "Can w-we talk privately? Outside?" Braixen turned around from where she was standing, cleaning up. "Yea, sure." She smiled.

In the kitchen, there was a sliding glass door, which Greninja opened for Braixen, letting her out first. Braixen has a small patio in the backyard of her house, which Greninja thought was the perfect place for this. Braixen now was starting to notice the frog acting anxious. "Is something, wrong? Greninja?" She asked with a concerned look. "No! No, I'm okay." He reassured her. "It's just I wanted to talk and give to you."

"DO IT!" A voice in Greninja's head said.

Greninja reached into his pocket and pulled out his gift for Braixen. "I-I wanted to give this to you." He stuttered. Braixen smiled. "My gift, I assume?" She joked. Greninja chuckled. "Y-yea, I wanted to give you it privately." Braixen looked down at the small box in her hands. She slowly unwrapped it, revealing a white box under the wrapping paper. Braixen pulled the lid of, revealing the gift that it contained. Her eyes sparkled in amazement and surprise. "Y-you got me the necklace I've always wanted..." Braixen said softly. Greninja nodded, "Yea, I kept on seeing you eyeing it every time we passed." Braixen gently took it out of the box, putting the box itself to the side. She stared at the necklace that was now cupped in her hands. "Open it." She did so, making her smile in joy even more. "It's...beautiful, Greninja." She said, tears building up in her eyes. To her, this was one of the most meaningful gifts she had ever received. Braixen put it on, admired it for a few seconds, then gave Greninja a hug. She wrapped around Greninja's neck, her head resting on his shoulder. Greninja blushes madly at her sudden action. "Thank you." She whispered. "Y-you're w-welcome." Greninja responded, trying to hide his embarrassment.

"I didn't just ask you to go out her just for this...I tell you something, important." He said, taking in his tongue. He did this whenever he was very serious and honest, and Braixen knew this. Greninja was a little bit more confident, but still a nervous wreck. "W-what is it?" Braixen asked wiping off the small tears from the gift. The necklace was still shining around her neck, even in the moonlight.

Greninja sighed. "This may sound cheesy, but I just wanted to tell you that...I'm really glad I met you in my life. I really appreciate what you and your family did for me. Taking care of me and stuff, but I just wanted to say thank you for being my best friend," He continued. "But, there's a problem. I don't just like you as a best friend, I would like to be more than friends."
Braixen's beautiful eyes widened as she listened to Greninja talk. "Is and closest friend...telling me he loves me?" She thought.

"You see, I've had a crush on you every since we were in our second evolutions. I made a promised myself that I would tell you how I felt. Braixen...I-I...Love you. I think you're an amazing Pokémon with an amazing personality. You've always been there for me and listened to me when I needed someone to talk to and I've always been there for you too. You're a really sweet and kind and caring Pokémon. Not to mention that I think you're...beautiful. But I need to know if you...feel the same way?"

Braixen stood there, tears flowing down her cheeks. She seemed shock, but overwhelmed with happiness. Braixen threw herself onto Greninja, wrapping her arms around him once more. She was crying into Greninja's shoulder. Greninja wrapped his arms around Braixen's  back, hugging her back. Through tears, Braixen managed to say, "I love you too! I can't tell you how long I've been waiting for this, this is the best day of my life..." Greninja's heart was beating faster by the second. "She feels the same way!" Greninja thought to himself happily. A huge smile grew onto his face.

They pulled apart from each other bit, their arms still around each other. They stared into each other's eyes, with a smile on both their faces. They were both blushing furiously with tears of joy in their eyes as well. "Is this going where I think this is going?" 

Braixen leaned in suddenly, closing her eyes, putting her lips on Greninja's. Greninja's eyes widened, he felt amazing. He closed his eyes as well and kissed her back. They kissed for about six seconds before stopping. Once they both broke it off, they stayed silent. "D-does this mean we're..?" Greninja asked. "A couple? I would love that." Braixen said finishing his question. Braixen grabbed Greninja's hand and pulled him closer to her. Her head was resting on his chest. She could her his heart beating quickly in a rhythmic speed. "Hey Greninja? Do you mind if we keep this a secret from our friends?" She asked after a few seconds.

"W-why? Are you embarrassed?" Greninja asked. "No, not at all!" Braixen exclaimed. "It's just, it'd be fun to see how long it'll take them to figure out we're dating." She giggled. Greninja nodded in understandment.

"I love you."

"Me too..."

A Greninja X Braixen Story [COMPLETED PART 1]Where stories live. Discover now