Chapter 6

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          As they got closer, Braixen realized that it was their friends. They were all sitting down on the grass, talking to each other and having different conversations. "Hey guys!" Braixen cheerfully saluted. Greninja said hello as well, as they both got a salute back from the group. "Glad you guys can make it." Lucario nodded. "Thanks," Greninja and Braixen responded. "So, did you guys decide where to go yet?" Greninja added. "We decided to go to arcade." Luxray stated. "All of you, or just the guys?" Braixen asked sarcastically. A slight blush crept onto Luxray's face. "Well, I-uh." Gardevoir and Sylveon laughed to his reaction. 
          "How about we go to the mall?" Arcanine suggested. "No way, we'll stay there for like five years if we go." Lucario responded. The group immediately started to get upset. "Well, we always go to the arcade and we end up sitting down doing nothing while you guys fool around at the games that we're not interested in." Gardevoir said.
          Greninja sighed knowing that if this continued like this, they would be arguing all night. Once he looked up from the ground, the whole group was now yelling at each other. Lucario, Raichu, and Luxray wanted to go to the arcade, while Gardevoir, Arcanine, Sylveon and Braixen wanted to go to the mall. Greninja cared a lot about his friends, but sometimes they were very now.
          "Can you guys stop yelling?" Greninja firmly, but politely asked. Everyone immediately stopped and looked over at the frog. "You guys are acting like baby's, arguing about everything! Let's just go to the mall. We've gone to the arcade twice already the last two times anyway." He stated. "Yay!" The girls exclaimed. Raichu sighed, "I mean, he is right though. We have gone plenty of times to the arcade." The other two guys nodded in agreement.
          "Alright then, let's go before it gets anymore later." Greninja said. The group of friends have now gotten up and exiting out of the park talking to each other again normally as if nothing had every happened. Raichu, Lucario, Luxray, Gardevoir, Arcanine, and Sylveon walked ahead in the direction of the mall, while Greninja and Braixen purposely stayed behind.

A Greninja X Braixen Story [COMPLETED PART 1]Where stories live. Discover now