Chapter 8

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          It was more complicated than he thought it was. What if she found it weird if her best friend loved her as a partner? Their friendship would turn out be awkward and wouldn't be the same. "We tell each other everything thats going on in our lives, whether it's good or bad. We really trust in each other and really close too. I don't want to change that, but at the same time...I want to be more than best friends." Greninja thought to himself.
          "We're here!" Gardevoir exclaimed from the distance. It was enough to snap Greninja out of his thoughts and focused on why he was here: to be with his friends.
           They walked into the mall, which was full of pokemon. Garchomps, Lopunnys, Weaviles, you name it. There was a huge variety of stores too. Clothing stores, shoe stores, video game stores, and more. The mall was a three-floored one with those small, mini stores selling beauty products, candy and stuff like that. It had two sets of escalators and three elevators to take you to whatever floor you desired.
           The girls headed over to a near by cloth store, squealing about some sale on them. Briaxen, along with Arcanine, Sylveon, and Gardevoir. Disappearing within the racks of dresses and clothes, Lucario sighed. "We're going to be here for a while." Greninja and Luxray chuckled at the comment, while Raichu let out a small laugh.
            The guys themselves went to the Pokedex store (Greninja's Pokedex kept on crashing),  this cool VR ride where they put some goggles on your eyes showing a certain 'movie', as the chairs tocked back in forth in sync with the video. The small group decided to sit down on a small sofa-like chair they leave for pokemon waiting for other people. They were laughing, cracking jokes and having a good time.
           After what felt like five hours, the girls finally came out with a few shopping bags. "What took you gals so long?" Raichu asked curiously. "Well, we had to look at all the cute clothes they had! It was a 25% off discount after all!" Sylveon giggled. "Good thing you only have like, two or three bags this time. Last time you guys had so many, we had to help you carry them all!" Luxray complained.

Again another argument.

          Greninja looked over at Braixen, who was also starring back with a "we have to stop this" look. They both nodded and began to calm down both sides, Sylveon assisting Braixen while Greninja took care of the guys himself. "Guys! Guys! Calm down! Look, let's just go get something to eat in the food court, I'm starving." Braixen suggested. "Now do you mention it, I am kind of hungry." Greninja said, his stomach growling. 
          The rest of the day was pretty normal. Walking around, talking, making jokes, laughing, going in and out of stores, all of that stuff. There was a close incident involving Lucario, an Absol, bumping, and Lucario's chest spike. "How do you Lucario's not kill anyone accidentally?" Greninja asked. "Well we have to be careful and look where we're going. Why do you think I never walk with my head down?" "I don't know, I just thought you never got in the habit." Gardevoir responded as Sylveon nodded to the answer.
            The group of friends were now exiting the mall, since it was closing. The mall usually closed early on weekdays, around 9:30 P.M. It was now 9:24 P.M., so of course they were asking the customers through the intercom politely if they can now exit the mall.
             They all said their good-byes and leaving in their own, separate ways. It only left Greninja and Braixen walking together on their way to her house.

A Greninja X Braixen Story [COMPLETED PART 1]Where stories live. Discover now