Chapter 12

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Greninja sat up quickly. As his hand was over his chest to feel his heart beating, he took a quick glimpse around the house to see if it was real life. "Only a nightmare..." Greninja thought to himself. He looked at his palms, which were sweaty from the dream, and looked up again. He winced as the sunlight went through the window behind the tv and onto Greninja's face. He put his arm a little above his eyes, blocking the sunlight from his view.

Throwing off the blankets from his body, he sat down normally. He took a quick look at the tv box which read 8:30 A.M. Greninja heard sizzling behind him in the kitchen, so he got up to see what it was. Entering the kitchen, Greninja saw the stove turned on, with bacon sizzling on a pan placed there. He looked over to his right, to see Braixen leaning over the counter, using her pokedex.

"Good morning," Greninja saluted the fox. "Oh! Greninja, good morning," she said back. "Did you sleep well?" Greninja froze up. What should he even tell her? Will she find it weird and disturbing? "G-good." He stuttered. Braixen stared at him, clearly not believing him. "You're lying. I know it.  C'mon Greninja just tell me what happened.

He told her everything about the dream. Greninja chocked a little bit, sometimes the words didn't come out. But Braixen paid close attention anyways. Whenever we told something to each other we always pay attention no matter what...unless it's an emergency. Anyways, they both stayed silent after Greninja finished explaining. Greninja looked over at her and could see tears burning up in her eyes. "It was only a dream Greninja. It will never happen." She said, trying to calm him down. As she said this, Braixen put her hand over Greninja's. He blushed a little and smiled. "Thanks Braixen." He responded.

"Hey, you made breakfast?" Greninja asked later after the conversation on his dream. Braixen nodded. "Bacon and pancakes." Greninja's stomach growled at the scent of the food. They both looked down at his stomach and laughed. "You hungry?" Braixen teased. Greninja nodded. They ate breakfast later as they talked. "This food is delicious! You're a great cook, you know Braixen?" Greninja complemented finishing off the last of his pancakes. Braixen blushed. "T-thanks, Greninja."

They finished eating and continued on with their day. Braixen practiced some new moves for her performance. Greninja took on some challenges for fighting to train for the pokemon league. Raichu and Greninja hung out for a while, while Braixen was resting in her house watching tv. It was soon turning dark and they both fell asleep, Greninja by the lake and Braixen in her house.

A Greninja X Braixen Story [COMPLETED PART 1]Where stories live. Discover now