Chapter 27

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Greninja woke up first. He felt as if he had forgotten something but couldn't remember what it was. Braixen was laying against Greninja's lap, still asleep. Of course it left him with no other option but to get his phone and fidget on it for a while.

After a good 30 minutes or so, Braixen woke up. "Morning." She yawned, stretching out her arms and legs on the sofa. "Morning Braixen." Greninja smiled happily at his girlfriend. They both went to the kitchen, made themselves a coffee and breakfast, sat down and ate. "I feel like I'm forgetting something important....Eh. It's probably not that important." Braixen shrugged of the thought that was nagging her.

It was only 9:00 A.M., so the couple decided to relax for a bit together, until Greninja's phone rang. Loudly. It startled them both and Greninja picked it up. "Hello? Who's this?" He asked. "Are you coming or not?!" Raichu yelled on the other side of the line. "What are you talking about?" Greninja asked, confused on what the electric rodent was talking about. "THE POKÉMON LEAGUE SIGN UPS!" He yelled. "Oh crap! Today's the last day isn't it?"

"Yes it is. They end at exactly 12:00 P.M. and it's like a 2 hour and a half long drive! Pack your things now and meet us at the plaza. Bye!"

Greninja hung up quickly and told Braixen to pack up enough things for two days. Once they did, they rushed out of Braixen's door to the plaza.

A Greninja X Braixen Story [COMPLETED PART 1]Where stories live. Discover now