Chapter 16

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What could he possibly give her? "I want it to special," Greninja thought to himself. "I don't want it to be a normal gift." Greninja had known Braixen for, basically, his whole life. 

Plus, he loved her.

Greninja shook his head. There had to be something she had wanted for a long time now... Then, it struck him. There had been this golden necklace with a heart that opened and was able to store something small. She had always been eyeing it every time they passed by the store, so it might even be the right gift. 

Greninja walked to the jewelry store calmly. Once he entered, Greninja took a look at the price it had. It cost 400, which was pretty expensive. He had only saved 500 from fights and tournaments. Greninja didn't want to waste a lot of money but decided to buy it anyway. 


After Greninja left the store, he ran straight home. When he arrived, he immediately got a picture of him and Braixen. The picture was of them when they were at a music festival a few months back. "Maybe I can confess my feelings towards her tomorrow? I just need to figure out a way to be by ourselves..." Greninja thought to himself as he cropped the picture to fit inside of the heart and put in one of the small cases for rings, but this one specifically, for necklaces. Greninja wrapped it in a black wrapping paper, which had gold stripes going along and curving on it. He placed the necklace on his nightstand for tomorrow, Braixen's birthday.

For the rest of the day, Greninjs trained for battles or relaxed watching movies/tv. He lied down at the end of the day on his bed and pulled out his phone to text Braixen.

Greninja: Idk if you're busy right now, but good night. 

A few minutes later, Braixen responded.

Braixen: Good night! :)

A smile grew on Greninja's face. He placed his phone back on his nightstand, before falling asleep. His last thoughts were:

"I hope she likes the present I got her..."

A.N. Hey everyone! Hope you enjoyed the 2 new chapters! It's 12:30 A.M, where I live, so I'm a little brain dead...

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