Chapter 26

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Greninja seemed to have cheered up a bit. "Yep. I got to admit, I did get us into a lot of trouble." He laughed.


"I'm starving!" Frogadier complained for the fifth time already. Frogadier and Braixen were sitting on the steps that led to their backyard, trying to relax in the heat of June. "You've said that," Braixen smirked. "Can't you wait? Mom is almost done making dinner." Braixen laughed. Frogadier's stomach growled. "No, I can't," Frogadier said clutching his stomach with both arms as he starred at Braixen straight in the eye. Braixen rolled her eyes out of amusement.

"Hey. I got an idea." Frogadier nudged Braixen. "What is it?" She asked curiously wondering what was going through his head. Frogadier pointed at the fence that separated their backyard and the neighbor's backyard, which had a garden of fruits. "No! We're not going to steal some fruit from Ms. Morter's garden!" Braixen sharply whispered. "Just get a snack meanwhile. We have food inside, just so you know." Frogadier sighed desperately. "Oh c'mon! Please? I want some fresh food anyways." "You're not just doing this for the food, right?" Braixen smiled. Frogadier starred at her then looked down in defeat. "Fine. I'm not doing it just for the food. I just want to have some fun and a little bit of excitement," Frogadier muttered as he kicked the dirt. "But come on! Let's just do it! You and me." He perked up. Braixen laughed, and smiled at Frogadier. "You're insane. Y'know?" Braixen told Frogadier. "I don't care. C'mon let's go," He said as he dragged her over to the fence.

They both jumped over the fence and looked at the garden to see what they should get. Ms. Morter had apple trees, blueberry bushes, pear trees and many more. "It's like a very mini small forest." Frogadier whispered. His mouth was already watering from fantasizing about eating the fruits. Braixen and Frogadier ran as silently as possibly and got a handful of blueberries and 2 apples. 

Right when Braixen was going to jump the fence before Frogadier, Ms. Morter caught them by grabbing them both by the arm and pulling them back. "Care to explain?" She asked as she pulled Braixen and Frogadier into her house. They told her what they were doing and Ms.Morter called their parents. They got mad and started yelling at them. Frogadier was grounded for 2 weeks, while Braixen was grounded for only one week. Frogadier was grounded for 2 weeks since he dragged Braixen into the situation.


"That was funny..." Braixen told Greninja. "You were complaining how it wasn't fair that you were grounded longer than me." Greninja nodded in embarrasment. "I'm sorry about that." Braixen waved him off. "Don't worry about it, it's alright." And before they knew it, Greninja and Braixen fell asleep.

A Greninja X Braixen Story [COMPLETED PART 1]Where stories live. Discover now